Chapter 11 The project

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Third person's pov

Soft morning sunlight was streaming inside the room through the ceiling-to-floor window on the sleeping figure on the bed who stirred from irritation, turning the other side did nothing as the sleep was broken now. Sighing frustratingly, Meera sat up on the bed and groaned when suddenly her head aches. She gently massages the area that hurts, her half-opened eyes take in her surrounding but they flew open and a scream escaped her lips when they landed on Elijah who was sitting on the couch beside the floor-to-ceiling window looking at her unblinkingly and intensely. He was wearing another expensive Armani suit looking as always smart and handsome beyond imagination. It was sinful to look this good so early in the morning. She frowned anxiously, how long has he been watching her sleep? It was creepy which made her shiver uncomfortably. She pulled the duvet up to her neck instinctively and that's when she noticed herself wearing different clothes. Confusion clouded her mind but suddenly as clear as the day everything that happened the night before came crashing down on her making her breath stuck in the throat. The gravity of the situation brought tears to her eyes. She sniffed sadly, pain crawling back in her body, gripping her heart. She recalled herself half naked the day before, her ripped dignity, not the blouse she was wearing. He is a monster who felt pleasure and manly by disrespecting a woman.

"How are you feeling doe?"

With her head snapped up, she glared at him, eyes throwing daggers. How dare he ask me that after very well knowing what he did to me and as if he cares about me, she thought. Gritting her teeth she asked him,

"Are you mocking me?"

He smirked noticing the anger his doe was sporting which showed she was fine to his eyes. So to irritate her more, he replied,

"And why would I do that?"

"You enjoy my pain"

she said in a strained voice. She pitied her condition and helplessness. He stood up and approached her which made her heartbeat accelerates. Clutching the duvet tightly to her body, she maintains the angry face avoiding the sudden grip of nervousness that he caused by sitting beside her on the bed. He leans towards her face and whispers,

"I like you when you are angry because you look like a kitten that is ready to attack who I love to tame"

He looks at the duvet she is holding like it is the only piece of clothing saving her dignity and says devilishly,

"I have seen you, doe. Although not completely but soon I will"

She felt like slapping the arrogance out of him, cursing him until he rots, but she swallowed her anger. Fisting the duvet in her hand tightly, she looks right into his eyes saying,

"You can only snatch the things you can't have as earning them is impossible for you just like my dignity. And here you call me a kitten when you are the kicked cat wallowing in rejection"

His jaw clenched in anger at her remark. His eyes a dangerous shade of green, his teeth gritting but he smirked instead and said mockingly,

"It hurts. Right, doe? When I punished you for what you did. But it's nothing compared to the pain you will feel when the people in your life suffer because of your stubbornness. How wonderful that would be, no?"

She felt her blood boil. Her nose flared, but he cuts her off before she could say a thing. Standing up and turning around on his way out of the room leaving no room for her to disagree, only an order to follow without a say,

"Get ready for office"

She looked at his retreating back weirdly. Has he forgotten that she is not his PA, the real one? She felt bitter recalling the harsh truth. She sighed, at least she doesn't need to be cooped inside this suffocating mansion of his. With the thought, she gets up to start her day with only one goal to defeat him anyhow.

She with little difficulty finds her way to the dining room, though Mary showed her around the mansion it was like a huge maze from the inside. He signaled the maid to start serving them once she sat down. Once again she was served the Indian cuisine of her choice. Without a word, she started eating the delicious food in silence, and just like that breakfast was over. He stood up and took her hand in his, tugging her along with him to his car. She a bit surprised follows without a choice and a chance to speak about her dislike of his touch. She quietly observes him along with trying to figure out his intentions or anything which will help to win.

Once they were inside his office, he told her to take the seat in front of him who has already sat in his chair. She sighed frustratingly already done with him. He notices her distaste. His doe is adorable all pouting, eyes darting around, her mole on the left cheek looking so alluring. Keeping his urges aside for now he has to take his next step for his doe to fall for which he was sure she will. He tells her calmly,

"You are my second PA. You will work for me to pay off your house debt. So doe, I expect you to work professionally"

She frowned in confusion, what was he saying she has already paid for her house. He noticed her confusion and chuckled. His doe can be so dense sometimes, he tells her amusingly,

"My doe, to remind you my company, precisely me, gave you the money for your house so now you are indebted to me to pay back one hundred thousand dollars by working as my PA as long as half of your salary every month sums the said amount after being deducted"

"You were the one to cause it?!"

she fires back angrily at which he stares at her blankly saying,

"It doesn't matter now and you have no choice either. Just do as I say"

The nerve of this guy! She fumes but says nothing. Standing up she went to her office to start her work but not before giving him a death glare which amuses him enough to make him laugh. His other or original PA John guides her throughout the day and was sweet to her. She wondered how a humble guy like John can work for such a vile person.

While going through the current projects the company was doing, she came across the one which was difficult and problematic that the company was thinking to end. It came under her region of expertise. She thoroughly studied the project finding many loopholes and mistakes but mainly the places of correction which will surely make it successful and profitable. She didn't blame Elijah for wanting to give up, the project was complicated but nothing she can handle. It will be worth millions if it worked. Suddenly an idea struck her, which can be the key to her freedom, a big step to defeat him in his game by starting the project which undoubtedly favors her. She quickly stood up with the file in her hand and went to Elijah to start her very own twisted game of the business world. In her excitement, she failed to notice that the project was deliberately left for her on the desk and was made in such a way to attract her and made her think that she has the upper hand but in reality, someone else had who was smirking awaiting the arrival of his doe sitting in his chair in his office knowing she would come any moment now. He has already told her about him faking a project to lure her. Still, she couldn't understand it. This is what entertains him in his game, his preys are stupid enough to avoid his words. And common sense and presence of mind are all needed to win against him. Even after he told her his devious plan her doe fell for it. She was naive. He smiled evilly when he heard knocks on his office door, here comes his doe whom he was waiting for.


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