Chapter 27: The Day After

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Adam and I kissed.

Shocking stuff!

But the whole school didn't give a flying unicorn about my inner turmoil. The halls were crammed with students as I tried to maneuver my way through the chaos that morning. My body was, like, floating on clouds, but I was desperately trying not to be the weirdo in the hallway. Imagine that – me, the accidental cupid!

Holy Casper! I just had my first kiss!

My heart was doing this intense drum solo in my chest, replaying the events of yesterday in that creaky cabin at Pine Crest State Park.

And oh, how my stomach churned.

After Penny, Ms. Dartwood, and a couple of rangers found us, Adam and I made an effort to keep to ourselves during the bus ride back to school. Fortunately, Penny was there to fill the silence, recounting how she nearly got into a spat with Mrs. Jones.

According to Penny, Megan's mother was all for leaving us behind and letting the rangers handle the search. Penny insisted she'd rather stay behind with us than abandon us. However, I couldn't shake my doubts about her story – she did leave me for her new friends.

Anyway, Adam remained mostly silent, occasionally nodding along to Penny's narrative, even giving me some acknowledgment when I chimed in to appear engaged. But honestly, my thoughts were consumed with trying to understand why on earth, Adam had kissed me.

Later, in the solitude of my room, the reality of what had transpired finally sank in.

And as I walked to my locker, my mind couldn't help but replay the feeling of Adam's cold yet gentle lips. My heart raced erratically, and my palms grew sweaty as I struggled with the combination.

Suddenly, Penny's voice jolted me from my thoughts, "Hey, I thought you wouldn't be coming today."

"Why won't I be?" I shot back, my frustration evident as I banged my fist on my locker. The stubborn thing refused to open, despite my efforts. Another knock, and still, nothing.

"Well, Adam's sick, and since you were with him, I just thought you caught the bug too..." Penny's voice trailed off, realizing I wasn't really tuned into her words.

Adam's name hit me like a lightning bolt. "Adam's sick?"

Penny, without warning, delivered a swift kick to the bottom of my locker, and finally, it snapped open. She nodded at me. "Yeah. What did you make him do, huh? Did you ask him to carry you around the woods?" She threw a suggestive smile my way.

"A piggyback?" I shot her a look as if she'd suggested something utterly absurd. "Why would I ask him to carry me?"

Penny shrugged. "I don't know. Because you're too tired to walk?"

Right. Still, it felt bizarre. I rolled my eyes at her. "No, I didn't ask him to carry me. That's just weird."

A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she leaned against the lockers. "No, it's not weird. A lot of people actually do that now."

Trying to focus on my locker, I tossed some extra books inside and rearranged things haphazardly. What was wrong with me?

Throwing Penny an incredulous look, I sighed. "Where are you going with this? You're not making any sense again."

She smiled back at me. "I really don't know. But I don't hear Melissa complaining about it, though."

I rolled my eyes. "My goodness, Penny, I really think you should start considering prioritizing your health and getting enough sleep. And you know how Melissa rarely lets people talk. She basically controls every conversation, so I don't think she'd ever notice."

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