Chapter 12: Passing Notes

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It was Monday and lunchtime again at Pinecrest High which only meant one thing, a tittle-tattle time over the usually over-salted fries, or whatever food Martha burned this time. But as soon as the smell came wafting in, I could tell we're having overdone beans and garlic bread that was no doubt burnt on the edges.

"Martha should really re-think her career choice. She's like a food arsonist, burning everything in sight," I quipped while balancing a tray with slightly less chaotic food.

Penny, deadpan as ever, agreed, "They should just fire her."

Loud chatter filled the place as students fill each other in with whatever happened to their weekends. I had to admit, Penny and I were no exceptions.

"I saw my parents make out in front of me. Well, they didn't know I was home. Sprawled on our coffee table, sucking each other's tongue," Penny said, placing her tray, which was jam-packed with apple juice, the actual apple fruit, Pinecrest's over-salted fries, pepper infested chicken nuggets, and a cinnamon roll.

Sitting in front of Adam, already deep into his beans, he eyed my tray and teased, "On a diet?"

I took a bite of my apple and rolled my eyes. I turned to Penny and said, "My reaction is... gross. Belle and I saw my dad squeeze my mom's ass when she passed by the kitchen while he was cooking. But, damn, do you think your parents are trying to conceive again?"

Adam chuckled. "Penny wins. Next lunch is on you." He gestured with his fork, adding, "Do your parents not realize the world's about to collapse? Bringing another human into this mess isn't wise."

"Oh, Adam, you and your pessimism never fail to brighten my day..."

Ignoring Penny's reaction to his different outlook on life, I looked around for the familiar face that usually graced our table. "Where's Jay?"

Adam shrugged. "I don't know. Should I really know?"

Penny, with an amused glint in her eye, raised her eyebrow. "As his supposed boyfriend, you should totally know." She winked at him, casually dusting off the pepper that had declared war on her chicken nuggets.

He sighed and shook his head, looking a bit exasperated. "Penny, seriously, when are you going to drop this Jay's-my-boyfriend thing?"

She leaned in, grinning mischievously. "When you finally 'fess up to your feelings."

"Feelings for whom?" He shot back, clearly irritated.

"Jay, obviously. Who else would it be? Wendy?" Penny teased, and I swear I felt beads of nervous sweat pop up instantly all over my body.

"How many times do I have to—"

And then, like a celestial savior, Melissa appeared. "Hey, Wednesday."

Thank the stars for Melissa and her impeccable timing. Suddenly, all attention shifted to her.

Whenever Melissa Brennan cared to locate the table where I usually sit or even bothered to actually look for me, I had to pay attention and focus on every word that would come out of her mouth. That day was no exception.

"Melissa, join us," Penny eagerly cleared the table next to her.

Melissa shot a quick smile at Penny before turning to me. "I talked to Mr. Scott. We're submitting your story."

"Really?" Really?

She nodded. "Yes. I'll help with character development and pacing; those are the story's weak spots."

I wanted to talk more, get into the details, and question why the characters and pacing were considered weak, but with Melissa, I opted not to challenge her judgment. If she believed my characters needed more depth and the pacing required a little push-and-pull, who was I to question her? With her history of awards and recognition, Melissa was practically Hollywood-bound, and I could undoubtedly learn a lot from her.

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