Chapter 63: Adam in Nepal

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Another day had crept by since Adam unceremoniously dropped the Wendy-this-is-my-girlfriend-Karen bomb on me. Just like that, with all the gracelessness of a hippo playing hopscotch, he'd shattered all hopes for me.

I kept replaying that painfully awkward conversation in my mind as I mindlessly scrolled through the cavalcade of dog rescue videos Lottie had bombarded me with over text. She meant well, I'm sure. Lottie always did have a huge heart when it came to furry four-legged creatures. But there's only so many videos of scruffy little mutts being plucked from the mean streets that a girl can handle before the sadness becomes overwhelming.

My phone buzzed again. Another video, no doubt. I was tempted to throw the thing across the room, but I knew that would just prompt a stern lecture from Lottie about appreciating modern technology and not taking out my frustrations on inanimate objects.

Setting my phone down with a thump on the sticky tabletop of Cup n' Saucer, I glanced around the cozy café. The rich aroma of freshly baked chocolate croissants and fruit tarts wafted through the air, making my sweet tooth ache in longing. Maybe I'd snag one of the day-old scones on my way out for a snack later.

As my gaze lazily swept across the room, it suddenly snagged on a very familiar face - Jay.

He didn't notice me at first, but as if he could sense my internal struggle, he chose that moment to glance up. Our eyes locked. And before my sensible inner voice could talk me out of it, I found myself pushing back from the table and hurrying toward the cafe's entrance, where he was just disappearing out onto the sidewalk outside.

"Jay! Hey, Jay, wait up!" I called, pulling open the door and squinting against the bright afternoon sunlight. He paused in his tracks and turned, one eyebrow raised quizzically.

I skidded to a halt in front of him, huffing slightly. "Hey, uh, do you have a minute?"

He hesitated, seeming to debate whether he wanted to engage in conversation with me. Finally, he gave a little nonchalant shrug. "Yeah, sure, what's up?"

Barely able to conceal my eagerness, I jerked my head toward the cafe. "You wanna maybe grab a coffee? Or something?"


He and I walked back into the café, the little bell over the door tinkling cheerfully as we entered.

"Can I get you anything?" I asked, gesturing to the pastry case. "It's on me."

Jay eyed me hesitantly for a moment before replying. "Well, if you're offering..." A faint smile played across his lips. "The lemon pound cake is my favorite here."

"You got it." I gave him a little nod and headed towards the counter.

As I approached, Belle was just emerging from the kitchen, pulling a tray of fresh chocolate chip cookies from the oven. A smear of flour adorned her cheek as she carefully slid the hot tray onto a cooling rack. She always got that adorably rumpled look when she was in full-on baking mode.

"Hey," I called. "Where's Dad?"

Belle jerked her head toward the back room. "Preparing more croissant dough, where else? You'd think he was auditioning to be the next James Bond with all that intense dough kneading."

I stifled a snort of laughter as I made my way behind the counter to Dad's Domain - the inner sanctum where all the real magic happened. Sure enough, there was my ever-industrious father, his wild halo of grey hair sticking up in tufts and his face set in serious concentration as he rolled out the buttery croissant dough.

"Hey Dad," I called out, "can I get a latte to go with that lemon pound cake?"

I was going to need a hefty caffeine kick to help me navigate whatever awkward emotional landmines lay ahead in my conversation with Jay. Dad looked up, his face breaking into a warm smile, when he spotted me.

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