Chapter 8: RIP Daisy

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"Shut up!" I yelled, smacking my alarm clock to make that incessant beeping stop. My mind wouldn't let me rest until 3 am, and as soon as I jolted upright, my stomach twisted into tight, anxious knots.

Mr. Scott.

It was Monday again, and I groaned out loud at the mortifying reality that I had to face him today. Part of me had seriously considered skipping his class after the massively embarrassing mistake I made last week, but who was I kidding? There's no way I could ditch without failing. I need those credits to graduate, and brilliant overachievers like Melissa can cruise through, but I have to slog away. Either drop the class altogether or suck it up and endure the shame spiral.

Trying to convince myself that everyone screws up sometimes and I'm no special hot mess was basically impossible. My mind was straight-up betraying me by replaying that cringeworthy moment on a loop. Thanks for the unwanted highlight reel of how I foolishly created this whole awkward situation, brain.

I stayed in sullen, anxious silence the whole ride to school, not uttering a word, to the point where mom thought I was legit sick. First period wasn't much better - I kept my mouth clamped shut instead of blurting out every random thought like I normally do.

But by lunchtime, I was finally starting to feel a little better, thanks to Penny and Jay's usual bickering and banter. Adam thought the whole Mr. Scott thing was hilarious and told me I just needed to "charge it to experience" and get over it already. He said I should be thankful because, unlike that disaster with Rico, at least there were no cops involved this time.

Easy for him to say—he doesn't have to be the one staring guiltily into Mr. Scott's eyes know. Just the thought made my stomach lurch violently again as the lunch bell rang. It was go time for Mr. Scott's English class, and I grabbed Penny's arm. "Go on without me, I might just ditch and go home. I can't face him!"

Penny rolled her eyes but headed off, and soon the hallways were empty.

Taking a deep breath, I booked it for the main doors at top speed, already picturing myself safely home on the couch, only to screech to a halt at the sound of Principal Peel's voice. "Ms. Greene! Just where do you think you're going?"

I whipped around, putting on an exaggerated cough and sniffle. "Oh, Principal Peel, I'm really not feeling well today."

Her arched eyebrow told me she wasn't even slightly convinced, as those scrutinizing eyes bored into me from behind her black rims. "I've been principal here for eight years, Ms. Greene. I can sniff out a fake sick day from a mile away."

I cleared my throat dramatically. "No, really! I woke up feeling totally under the weather. You can ask my mom!"

Yes, because mentioning my mom would really help my case. I mentally facepalmed at my lame excuse.

"Very well. I will give you the benefit of the doubt," Principal Peel said sternly. "Go see Mrs. Park the nurse. Let her examine you, and if you really are ill, she'll give you a note which I'll sign. You know the protocol."

I sighed defeatedly and turned away from the exit, my hoped-for escape narrowing. "Okay," I muttered, feeling utterly defeated. If only I could tell her about the stampede ravaging my stomach - but there's no way I could admit the truth. I couldn't reveal what I'd done to poor Mr. Scott, our new sub, and how desperately I wished I could evaporate off this environmentally problematic planet right now.

"Ms. Greene," Principal Peel's voice stopped me again.

I pivoted back hopefully. Maybe she saw the shame and dread etched on my face and had a change of heart? "Yes, Principal Peel?"

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