two. smart remarks

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"Love potions, Cass,"

"Oh. I thought it was for ague, though,"

"Yes, but the question's asking which potion it belongs to as an ingredient. Ashwinder eggs can be taken for ague, but they have to be swallowed whole," Malka sighed as she pointed to the problem in their textbook. The girls were doing Potions in the Ravenclaw common room.

"Oh," Cass's voice trailed off, confused. "Eugh. I can't imagine doing that,"

"Erm- excuse me?" A masculine voice called from next to them. It was Clorfan Greengrass, Cass's Slytherin boyfriend. He had light blonde hair and Malka thought he was also a bit dumb sometimes, but she never voiced anything like that to Cass.

"Clorfan!" Cass called cheerfully, though her expression was confused.

"Good morning, Mister Greengrass," Malka said, turning back to her book. "I'm not sure you're supposed to be here,"

"You too, Miss Arslan," Clorfan said hurriedly. "Er- yes, I know. I asked one of the first years for help with the riddle,"

"Well, you can't stay long," Cass frowned. "Someone's gonna find out about the Slytherin in our Common Room. What is it?"

"Oh, that's right," Clorfan scratched the back of his head, where he kept his hair shaved and short. "Erm- Cassana, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me this Saturday?"

"Well, of course, aren't you my boyfriend?"

"Er- yes-"

"-Okay!" Cass chirped, a flush coming to her cheeks. "I'll see you in front of the Three Broomsticks, then. I think you should probably take your leave, I can hear people coming from upstairs. I'll find you after dinner,"

"A-alright," Clorfan smiled crookedly, looking around before stepping out of the Common Room, making several turns around armchairs and ottomans. Malka's brows drew together in suspicion

Cass turned back to Malka, a carefree smile on her face. "Let's get back to work, then,"

"-Cass, why'd you say that?" Malka interrupted, her features knotted in confusion. "There isn't anyone coming from the dormitories, class barely just started,"

It was true. The Common Room was empty.

"Oh. Well," Cass shifted on her pouf, her expression twisted in discomfort. "He didn't really need to know that,"

"Cass," Malka placed her hand on Cass's knee. "You can talk to me if you have any issues, yeah?"

Cass smiled softly. "I know, Mal. It's just that...yesterday he told me he loved me,"

Malka's black eyes went wide. "What?"

"I know, I know. And...I didn't know what to say, so I just said that I wasn't ready to say it back,"

"Well..." Malka leaned back. "If that's what you really feel, then it's good that you told him that outright,"

"I suppose. But at breakfast, right after I went to sit with Alecto and Cindy, he came up to me and started complimenting me. It was nice, sure, but I felt like he was...egging me on. He wanted me to say I loved him,"

"Cass," Malka said firmly. "If you don't love him, don't say it. You don't have to explain youself besides the fact that you aren't ready. You two've only been dating for a few weeks,"

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