twenty-two. one last visit

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THE MOST CURIOUS THING HAPPENED TO HER AT BREAKFAST. Supposedly a terrible meal, Malka had actually enjoyed her toast today, with the reason being that Regulus told her the day before that Madam Pomfrey said to him that he'd be out of the Hospital Wing in two days. So she was in a bright mood, and that didn't dim, only turned neutral, when Sirius Black and Remus Lupin approached the Ravenclaw table, hands shoved in their pockets.

Lupin looked ghastly as usual, deep blue circles under his eyes and a new scar on his forehead. Malka wondered why he wasn't being checked. Black, on the other hand, looked quite grumpy, though his mind told that he felt a bit guilty. 

"Wotcher, boys," Cass said, sliding in next to Malka with a handful of grapes in one hand.

Lupin shoved Black forward a little bit, and the latter shot him a nasty look before speaking to her. "Er- Miss Arslan. Just wanted to apologize for the other day,"

"Oh," Malka said. Cass looked at Malka quizzically. "It's fine,"

"'Kay," Black said. And didn't say anymore.

"We actually are sorry," Lupin cut in apologetically, with an impatient look at Black. 

"It's alright. I am fine, Mister Lupin," Malka said. And it was true. Her Occlumency had made it so that the Potion only partially affected her. 

"Right then," Lupin dipped his head respectfully as he kicked Black in the shin. "We'll be on our way,"

"Farewell, Mister Lupin!" Cass said singsong-ly from her spot next to Malka as they left. Lupin shot a surprised gaze back.

Malka looked at her incredulously. "Cass, you have a boyfriend,"

"I know, I know. But the broken ones are dandy, aren't they?" she stabbed a sausage with her fork. Malka only sighed.

Later, the girls worked on their Ageing Potion. It would be an assignment on the easier side, but they were only two people in a group of three. So they'd compromised; Malka and Cass would do all the practical work, while Regulus would write up their whole Brewing Report.

"I wish Regulus were here," Cass said wistfully as she struggled to stir the right way. "We would be done with Phase Three of the potion already,"

Malka hummed in agreement, thumbing her bottom lip in thought.

"Are you gonna visit him later?" Cass asked, and Malka looked up. 

"Yes, I suppose. Bring him the brewing notes we have," she said, trying to avoid Cass's prying eyes. 

In reality, she did always bring him their notes, but there was always something more. Her wizard chess set. The Daily Prophet. Books about Magical Creatures. And, as she'd dared a few times, some childhood Muggle novellas she grew up reading. And their conversations never stayed on schoolwork, either.

"Enjoy," Cass said dryly. "Say hello for me,"


Regulus sat up as she entered his area. 

"How are you feeling today?" she greeted, setting her schoolwork down, as well as a medium-sized container of the surprise she brought him today.

"Better. The pain is almost gone," he said, with the tiniest upturn of his lips at the sight of her. "I have been reading your book,"

"Have you?" Malka startled.

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