ten. dark wings

213 8 0

tw: mentions of death

"I'M BACK," Malka yelled into the house as she swung the door shut. It was a little warmer today, and Malka only needed a waist-length coat and mittens.

She walked past the Wizarding areas by the Lake, seamlessly going into the Muggle side of town. Children ran past her legs, and the air smelled like food, with an array of dishes she could name if she tried, but with coffee being the strongest smell. Malka always had some Muggle money on hand, and she quickly bought and drank an espresso as she walked by the downtown areas. Moving into the food markets were quite nice, as she bought a few nice tomatoes and grapes, which were quite good even if they were not in season. 

And now she had returned, setting the produce down where she knew Bitsy would find it. And Bitsy did, popping in front of her.

"Miss Malka Mei is kind to procure more food," Bitsy said, nodding her head. "A letter has arrived for Mistress, also,"

"You're welcome. Um- where is it?" Malka said, her heart skipping a beat. Yes it could be from Cass, but Bitsy or Itsy never announced those. 

"Your desk, Miss. I left ink for your response," Bitsy finished, as Malka strolled upstairs on their marble spiral staircase.

Out of the five bedrooms, Malka used one, the master bedroom remained her late mother's, one guest room was furnished and ready for Cassana next week, and another one remained bare. The last room, which was also the smallest, was Itsy and Bitsy's. It had taken Malka quite some convincing to make them move there and out of their old closet, even more than when she insisted that they all eat together.

Malka arrived in her room first, and decided to pick up the new Prophet before reading her letter. And its headlines were quite grim.


The rest of the article stated the facts; how it was a single father with four daughters, and how they'd all been hit with the Killing Curse, a curse they'd recently started studying in school. Malka read further along; the murders had taken place in Islington. Islington...there was something familiar about that place. Something she remembered. Regulus lived there. And her heart dropped at the possibilities. She knew what kind of family the Blacks were, even if Sirius was a blood traitor and Regulus was...interesting. Could they have been involved?

Worried, Malka popped open the seal on her new envelope. It was signed 'R.A.B' and Malka smiled at the sight of his near-perfect penmanship.

Miss Arslan,

I promised to write, didn't I? How have the first few days of Yule been for you? The weather must be more bearable in Italy; London remains cold and rainy.

This is a first letter in what will hopefully become a series; so I do not have much to say besides questions. What is there to do in Como during wintertime? Do you have any Yuletide traditions? Are you just as frustrated at Flitwick's essay as I am, Malka?

I would be honored if you delighted me with a response,

R. A. B.

So he had written this before the attack happened. And he seemed alright enough. Smiling slightly at the parchment, as she sat in her cushioned armchair to write a response.

Mister Black,

It was a pleasant surprise when I recieved your letter, and I'll thank you for taking the time to write me. The first few days of Yule have been relaxing, it's quite nice living without the threat of homework. 

If the weather in London is cold and rainy, Italy is not much better. It's cold and windy here; some of Itsy's tomato plants are under the threat of wilting, even though we have shield charms on the garden. 

There are many Muggle tourists from around the world that come to Como in the summertime, but barely anyone is here right now. So all the local life is in swing. To answer your question; there is so much to do here. We have, in my opinion, the best espresso in the country. Coffee here is not like English coffee; we drink it black and it is meant to be a quick pick-me-up before work, not something you spend a conversation languishing upon. There are a few occaisons where Lake Como freezes over and we can skate, but this year is not the year for that. Some of the Muggle and Wizarding architecture is the best here, I think you would quite enjoy the cathedrals. Many of them are at least a thousand years old, and quite a few wizard executions occurred there. 

As for traditions, I must admit I have few. I have normally shared a feast with Itsy and Bitsy ever since my mother passed. We don't exchange presents. The elves will burn the logs, make wreaths and hang mistletoe, but otherwise we have no decorations. How is Yule in your family, Regulus?

Merlin, I haven't even looked at Flitwick's essay yet; thanks for the reminder. It's probably as bad as it seems.

I read today's Prophet, it seems there was a Muggle massacre in Islington. Are you and your family alright? I have other questions, too, but that is the immediate one. Please address this in your response.

I hope your family life is treating you well,

Malka M. Arslan


Cass squalled as she enveloped Malka into a crushing hug. "Merlin, I've missed you! I can't stand being in that house anymore, I need to be in Italy now,"

Malka snorted. "Missed you too, Cass. Wanna get some gelato?"

"Yes please," Cass said in a self-explanatory tone, waving at Itsy and Bitsy before yanking Malka's hand along. 

Cass had made several trips to Malka's villa over the past few years, including a stay that lasted an entire month right after Malka's mother died in June the summer of her second year. So Cass was more than familiar with the Muggle town, and soon enough, the two girls were shivering under the icy clouds, but laughing as they ate their even colder gelato. Malka had gotten her usual stracciatella, and Cass had gotten a lemon and milk combination.

"How's the situation with you-know-who going?" Malka said as the girls sat indoors in the muggle shop.

Cass rolled her eyes. "He won't stop bothering me. He's written me every day over break, I can't stand it,"

"And have you opened his letters?" Malka said.

"No. Alecto said to ignore the words of someone that pathetic," Cass mumbled dejectedly.

"Well, I'm ninety-nine percent sure Clorfan wouldn't send you bombs in parchment, so I think you should open them. You don't even have to respond, you just need to see what he has to say before judging,"

"Alright, maybe I will, then," Cass said, and by her tone Malka could tell she didn't mean it.

"Come on, let's go home," Malka said, and the two girls walked back to the villa, eventually enjoying cocoa and cookies around the fire in the drawing room.

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