four. a hospital visit

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tw: light mentions of blood prejudice

IT REALLY WASN'T THAT BAD. After a lengthy, tear-filled apology by Cass that Malka accepted, all she really got were a couple distasteful looks from Slytherins in the halls before the drama subsided. Their minds were relatively blank, and from what Malka could read from them, they just thought she was another pesky Ravenclaw.

It was now a charming Friday, after classes and Hogsmeade. Malka had indeed gone to Gladrags Wizardwear, partially out of guilt, but their new collection wasn't in fact catered to Slughorn's dinner party. It was more tailored towards what a grandmother would wear to bed, even Cass agreed. So it was decided that Malka would wear one of Cass's dresses, a rather fiery maroon dress with bell sleeves.

Cass laid it out on Malka's bed for her, ready for tomorrow's dinner.

"Perfect," she said. "Um, I have to go now. Cindy and Alecto said they were going to sneak back into Hogsmeade and get some Chocolate liqueur, so..."

"Oh, of course," Malka said, nodding her head as Cass made another awkward little gesture before bobbing her head and walking out of their room.

As Ravenclaws, students had a lot more freedom with their rooms. Up to third year, rooms were shared with four girls in one space, similar to other houses, but afterwards people could choose whether to keep having four, three, or just two girls in a room. The Prefects even got to have their own room, if they wanted. So, Cass and Malka were the only ones in their room, and had a smaller bathroom they shared.

But then Cass walked back into their room. "Oh, Mal, I just forgot about something,"

"What is it?" Malka said, sitting up from her previous position sprawled over her blanket.

"Erm- it's kind of a don't have to,"

"No, I don't have anything to do the rest of the night, I already finished Potions, it was quite light,"

"Well, I asked the house elves to bake a cake, and I was just wondering if you could deliver it to the Hospital Wing for Regulus Black? I just felt kind of guilty about the whole Bludger thing...I was gonna do it meself, but I just realized I have to leave..."

"Oh. Sure, I can do it," Malka said with a hesitant smile, noticing the white box on Cass's nightstand.

"Thanks, love. I'll buy you a butterbeer next week," Cass said in open relief, her cheeks flushing as they smiled.

"Alright," Malka chuckled, as the two girls walked out together.

The Hospital Wing wasn't far from Ravenclaw Tower, and most of the other students were at dinner. Cass and Malka had gorged on confections at Hogsmeade, so much so that neither was currently hungry. Malka clutched the cake box as she walked, wooden heels clacking on the granite floors. It was a simple white box, covered so she couldn't see the actual cake. Malka hoped Cass didn't write anything embarrassing on it. Malka was wearing her usual purple cardigan, with her hair in braids and a tweed skirt.

The Hospital Wing doors were always open, and Cass was greeted with the sight of rows upon rows of white beds with curtains for privacy. Though only one bed had the curtains actually drawn shut. She could see Madam Pomfrey tending to a small girl on one of the closer beds, so Malka took a seat and waited until she was done.

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