six. the dinner

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tw: mentions of sexual harassment

"CLORFAN AND I ARE SPLITTING," Cass declared as soon as Malka entered their room. 

"Oh...and why is that?" Malka kicked off her heels after a pause.

"Well- I can't date someone who stands up in the Great Hall and declares things to everyone. Cindy and Alecto told me he was a public embarrassment, they really don't like him anymore after that," Cass said sadly, shoving some loose brassieres into her top drawer.

"But do you not like him after that? I thought you liked grand gestures," Malka said, her eyebrows sky high. 

"Well- I dunno. I can't date someone like that though, it'll make everyone laugh. Besides, he was always too clingy, anyway," Cass mumbled with a bit of a bite to her words.

"Cass. I want you to be happy. I know you're embarrassed after just now, but the descision whether to break up with Clorfan is yours alone," Malka said, enunciating each word slowly. 

Cass might hang out with her shitty Slytherin friends to boost her school status, but Malka wanted her to put her foot down when it came to Clorfan Greengrass, a boy she was clearly infatuated with even though everyone (including her) saw him as a bit of a joke. Teenagers' feelings were complicated.

"I know, I know. I'll think about it," Cass said, chewing on her bottom lip.

"I'll support whatever you decide?" Malka supplied.

"I know that too," Cass said after a gentle pause, looking up at Malka and smiling. "Thanks, Mal. Now let's get you ready for Sluggie's party,"

The two girls got ready together, sitting down on Malka's bed as Cass did the latter girl's makeup. Though Cassana was a pureblood, she was never invited to the Slug Club due to her family's more obscure status, as well as their somewhat known recent fall from grace. She never did quite well in Potions, either, so she never piqued Slughorn's attention enough. Meanwhile, Malka was probably the best at Potions in his class, just behind Regulus Black. Potions, Arithmancy, and Astronomy were her best subjects.

Cass's dress was a gorgeous maroon color, with silver accents and flared sleeves. It flowed loose down from the waist, but was snug against Malka's skin on the top half. It was silk, and very comfortable to sit in, as Malka parted her hair into two top sections, deciding to leave the bottom loose and flowy. Malka braided the top half first, doing French braids down each side.

As a child, Melite Rowle would spend hours braiding Malka's hair, and as Malka got older, she would reciprocate the gesture on her mother. Malka hadn't cut her hair since her mother died, and it was beginning to hit her waist. She needed a trim before her split ends got too severe and made her ends look like straw in a chicken coop.

"So, you're going stag again to the party?" Cass asked, trying her very best to keep the drops of longing away from her tone.

"Yes," Malka said, grinning at her. 

"Hmm. I think you still should've gone with Mister Black," Cass said, screwing up her face in disappointment.

"The one with a foot-long list of ex-lovers, or the one you almost decapitated on Thursday?"

Cass smacked Malka's knee. "You know which one,"

Malka laughed lightly. "I barely know him, Cass. All I know that his family are Dark wizards and that he's good at Seeking and Potions,"

"Well, you could've gone with him to find out more," Cass protested. "I saw you working together on the Potion on Tuesday," 

Cass leaned in front of her, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. 

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