Chapter 14: I'm On A Mission

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"Nothing. Nothing! Stupid brain!" I berated myself as I crumpled and threw away another paper I tore from my notebook.

It's been almost a week since I got this crappy apartment in New York, all to prepare my grand revenge against Clyde Harrison. I moved to this city where their building was, just to make him pay. But currently, I'm the one paying- food, electricity and my stay here. I chose the cheapest apartment possible, but then I only got an empty room for it.

So, I decided to sacrifice a bit more of my money. Took this room with full furnishings. It's nice and cozy, with all the basics one would need. Though, there was this huge crack on the wall when I got here. I'm getting it fixed today.

Fortunately, I have my savings. I only cashed in half, and left the rest with Mary. I don't have a bank account yet. Any ID I owned got destroyed in the crash. I have about enough to last me at least a month in this apartment.

Still, I need to act fast. I need a full-proof plan. What will be the best way to get Clyde Harrison?

Of course, it would be his money and company, since he prioritized it above all else. But how do I get him? The whole world, or whoever knew about me, knows I'm dead. I can't reveal myself while I'm this powerless or they'll get to me first. Let's just list down the things I can use against him first.

1.) The plane crash- no evidence yet...

2.) HERMES company- took over the Reagans' share and stole my money

3.) The Harrisons' dealings- they managed a few failed businesses. Start a revolt with the business owners?

4.) Cheating- file a lawsuit against- NO! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!!!

5.) Future Projects- ???

Damn it! What's with this list?! I worked with them for seven years, eight if I count the year I was married to Clyde. But what's this!? I have nothing against them. Nothing I could use. I know how their dealings work, and how they deal with clients, how they seek out investors and-


That's it. Investors. If I can't take them down with what they already have, I can take them down with what they don't have...yet. I memorized all of their potential investors list, even the rising businesses they had their eyes on. I know the names they seek to control in the future.

Well, I guess all that hard work didn't go to waste. Now, it's all going to pay off; all those years of trying to please the Harrisons. Now, I'll be using everything I can to destroy them.

"I can get ahead of them." But how?

I took my phone and searched for the Harrisons' company page. They all list their upcoming events there. From what I could remember, they would always hold their charity balls during the second week of the month, every four months. If my guess is right, they would be having their next one on...

"Aha!" I exclaimed out loud as soon as I found it.

April 12. A week from now.

The Harrisons' charity balls are one of their biggest events. It happens three times annually, with yearly themes. It's one of the ways they reach out to potential investors and court them with the grandeur of the party. I even got to organize one... but Clyde, that son of a bitch, took all the credit because I fell sick at the day of the ball. I can't believe I let that slide!

Anyway, now I can get back at him. I'm going to wreck his ball. Now, first things first, I need to plan how to get in.

"Right." I got my pen again, and listed down everything I needed for the ball.

1.) Laxatives (10 bottles)

2.) A waitress' uniform

3.) Taser

4.) Black heels

I smiled to myself as I held my list. This is simply a first step. I just need to make the Harrisons look bad in front of all their VIP's. I can try ruining their events one by one, and turn off their potential investors.

Of course, I might feel sorry for the attending guests, but I guess it will teach them not to associate themselves with such a 'crappy' family. Ha! I'll make sure this will be their 'sh*tiest' event ever!

Okay, I'm done.

"Now, let's see the budget."

I took out my money, and pulled $2000 from the strap of cash. I might need a few extra bills if ever I get hungry. Maybe I could already get a fake ID as I shop. I'm going to need one anyway if I were to get a job.

"Let's take one more." I pulled another thousand and hid the cash under my mattress.

Then, I took my bag and my keys, locked my door, and went out.

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