Chapter 22: We Had A Whirlwind Romance

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"I want you to make me your wife."

At my demand, his face turned blank,  his mouth slightly opened, his eyes wide and one of his brows arched. My palms sweated like crazy and my chest came close to the brink of explosion.

His wife.

I know it's demanding too much. But it's the only way. I used to work for the Harrisons and I know my way around the office, but I don't have anything on paper. This is the part that I thought about the most. The role I need in his life, the role I'm sure I can play... is his wife.

And I'm doing it right this time.

He coughed, "Are you...serious? My wife. You want to be my wife?" He laughed heartily and mockingly, looking amused, "Ms. Olivia, I have to say... you have more balls than all the men in this building put together. I kinda like it, but making a lifetime commitment just for this..."

"A lifetime commitment?" I recoiled and swallowed hard. Yeah, that's what marriage is supposed to be, right? I clenched my fists under the desk.

Come on, Olivia. Don't be like this! Don't bring your past into this.

"I never pegged you for someone with high ideals about marriage, Mr. Kingston," I remarked. "If there's one thing I learned about marriage in high society... is that marriages are usually just business deals."

"Well, not to me." He shook his head, "I may be high society, but I respect marital ties and hold them in high regard. And I have no problems marrying you. You're..."

I quirked a brow, anticipating what he had to say. Damn it, if it's offensive, I still need to be nice, "I'm what?"

He eyed me again from head to torso, and peeking over to let his eyes get all of me, "You're okay, I guess. I can marry you."

I tried to keep up my self-esteem when he told me I was just "okay". I wanted to check how I looked like right now. I dolled up and fixed myself nicely just for this. Did the wind from the motorcycle ruin my hair?!

"So, you'll make me your wife?"

He paused for a bit, then let out a sigh before answering, "I don't know"- he rubbed his temples, his eyes shut in frustration- "To be honest, I don't really know what to feel right now. First, you barge in here from the dead, and surprised me. Then you piqued my interest with your intentions. And just now, I felt emasculated with your proposal. It's not a healthy mix of emotions for a day, you know."

"Mhm." I bit my lip, "So will you marry me or not?"

He laughed abruptly, "Okay, let's slow down for a bit"- he leaned in his chair, making it bounce back a little- "While I am achingly tempted to have an ex-Harrison-"

"Reagan. I'm a Reagan." I corrected sternly.

He coughed and mouthed 'okay', then continued, "While I am tempted to have Olivia Reagan in my midst, marriage... my marriage is a whole different business. If you think marrying me would be that easy, then I think you're underestimating me. Do you know what it means to be married to a Kingston?"

"Hmmm. I'm guessing everyone would be asking me for flirting advice," I replied, flipping my hair to the side in confidence.

His lips curved into a wide smile, "Ha. Very funny. But Miss Olivia, if you marry me, you understand that the world will know about you. And last time I checked you're dead... or at least you're supposed to be. And correct me if I'm wrong, but for your plans to work, you need to be hidden."

I tried to conceal the grin forming my lips. He was listening. If he was able to think this far, he is considering it.

"Well, to be exact, I will both be hidden and revealed."

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