Chapter 21: He Was Listening

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"My real name's Olivia. Olivia Reagan. I think you might know me." I revealed bluntly.

His eyes widened for a moment, not letting them stray from my own. I stood in front of his desk, as straight and regal as I can, clutching the envelope in my hand.

"" He finally spoke after an audible swallow, "You're supposed to be dead."

I smirked, nodding, "I know. And I am. But you're gonna bring me back to life."

"What are you..."

His brows met in the middle as his face became clouded with intrigue and confusion. Then he leaned back in thought, as if reeling from the shock of my reveal. He held his temples with one hand, covering his eyes. Then, he showed his face with a neutralized expression and straightened himself up, "What are you here for, Olivia Reagan?"

I tried to hide my smile, but I couldn't, "I'm here to offer you a deal, Mr. Kingston. May I?" I gestured to the seat beside his desk. He paused for a moment in thought, but he gave a nod of permission in just seconds. So, I sat right across him.

"Mr. Kingston. May I ask you... what do you know me for?"

He blinked once, "You are...the wife of Clyde Harrison, and the only daughter of the fallen Reagan Group."

"You've done your research in the past, I see. And you're right. Those are the only things to know about me." I remarked, "But just an update, Mr. Kingston. It's ex-wife."


"Before my...'death'" I air-quoted, "Clyde Harrison divorced me secretly, for no apparent reason. And he took all my money, and everything I was supposed to have. That's why I'm here, Mr. Judah Kingston. Because I need you."

He stared at me for a few seconds, eyeing the envelope I had on my lap, "You need me?"

"Yes." I replied, "Kingston is Harrison's main competitor...and absolute worst nightmare when it comes to business and the market.

He smirked hearing my words. Then he shrugged confidently, putting his fingers together, "Yeah, I always made it a point to get their blood boiling. And also get ahead of them."

"Exactly. You were always in their way. You have destroyed, overtaken and made a fool out of the Harrisons on a few occasions. I remember." I let out a breath before asking, "Why go against them, Mr. Kingston?"

"To crush them." He answered almost immediately, adamant and firm. His expression also changed to something fiercer, "The Harrisons are an abomination. And to be honest..."

He placed his elbows on his desk and folding his hands together below his nose, he leaned towards me dangerously. In a low tone, he continued, "...since you were one, I don't really know how to feel about you being here in my office."

My heart skipped a beat at his tone. It changed a bit, but his intimidation was already more than enough to send shivers down my spine. But I stood my ground.

"Maybe I can help you with that." I leaned over to his desk, making him move back a bit, "Mr. Kingston, I stand-" I cleared my throat, realizing my position "-I sit here before you because I believe we want the same thing."

"The same thing." He scoffed, "And what is that?"

"The Harrisons' heads on a platter." I declared.

And Clyde's severed testicles on the side, if I may add. But I had no guts to say it out loud.

I continued with my speech, "I don't know why you detest them, and I'm not gonna ask. But I will agree with you. They are an abomination. They took everything away from me and left me for dead. And for that, I want them destroyed."

Judah's eyes widened at my declaration, then they narrowed in intrigue, "You want me to destroy them for you?" He asked in a mocking tone.

"We will destroy them together." I corrected, "I will help you, and I will let you use me if you let me use you."

"Use?" He snickered, "Use is not a word taken lightly here, Ms. Olivia. To be used, you need to have worth. A function. A purpose. What is yours, if I may ask? That you deem yourself useful to me? And that you're audacious enough to think about using me?"

I swallowed. Hard. But I tried not to show that I was nervous. His thinking, his aura and how he talks. Everything exudes power. This is the Kingston that will take down Clyde.

Oooh, I need him to be mine. I need to step things up.

I composed myself, my eyes not waning from his, "I knew, didn't I?"

"I'm sorry?"

"I knew. I knew that Summerville County Fair was on the list you're looking for earlier. You were trying to see what business they would go for next, right?"

At this, he slowly leaned back and let me speak.

"I know how they work, Mr. Judah Kingston. I have been inside the Harrisons for years, working for them, watching them, living with them." I pointed to my brain, "Everything's in here. Their strategies. Their secrets. That's because I was theirs. But now..."-I grinned- "I'm all yours. And you don't need to pay me."

His brows shot up for a moment, "You're not doing this for the money. You'll give me information for free?"

"Yes, under my condition, which will cost you no cent."

I saw that he tried to hold back a smile. The corner of his lip twitched as I spoke, and I smiled vividly, knowing it was a good sign. He was getting it. He's almost there.

I leaned forward, imitating the same low tone he used on me earlier, "With me by your side, you will always, always be one step ahead. Always. And I'll see to it that Kingston Corp. will be the only one on top. So?"

Once again, he did the same in-thought gesture he did earlier. His hands together, but below his neck, while his elbows were propped on the arm of his chair. He was eyeing me from top to bottom, or at least the parts of me that were visible across his desk. He eyed my envelope, then shifted his gaze to the ground.

After a few seconds, he finally spoke, "What are you proposing?"

I got him.

I contained my excitement and straightened myself up. I let out the air stuck in my throat with a cough and slid the envelope I had over to his table, "A position."

"Position? In my company?" He confirmed, opening the envelope and starting to read the papers inside it.

I nodded, "Yes. An undeniable and unquestionable position that will allow me to be with you 24/7. One that gives me authority, lets me inside your agendas, and lets me talk to the people you talk to."

He scoffed, "You're quite daring, Ms. Olivia. Do you know what kind of position you're asking for? And you don't even have your resume in here. Even if you're obviously smart and used to be rich, and even if you're useful to me, what makes you think you can just stride in here and take one of the highest paying jobs in my company without the qualifications? People will talk, you know. They'll talk about you. And they'll question me for hiring you."

"I'm not asking to be hired, Mr. Kingston. Like I said, it's free." I replied sharply, "And you're right. I'm just a former rich girl... whom everyone presumes dead. I have no qualifications. That's why I'm not asking for a job. I'm asking for an unquestionable position.

He narrowed his eyes, "And what position is that?"

"Your wife." I stated proudly without missing a beat, "I want you to make me your wife."

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