Chapter 45: She Changed Her Mind

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I'm such an idiot. Why the hell did I say that?

"Well then, maybe I don't need you!"

Damn it! F-k! My own senseless words wouldn't stop hammering my head! Why did I say those words to her?

"Now that I heard what you have to say about this, you may leave. I'm doing this project with or without you."

Why did I let her leave like that?

Ever since our huge fight yesterday, Olivia and I haven't spoken a word to each other on a personal level. Even our workplace banter earlier sounded so... stale and straightforward, like my conversation with other businessmen. I hated it. She hasn't said anything about the issue either. She remained professional, like the perfect woman she is.

I didn't come home last night because I couldn't face her. I just got so infuriated when she disagreed with me. I kind of knew she would, and that's not her fault. She was only stating facts. I knew how my proposal would look to any reasonable business person. However, with the way things were going between us-our perfect partnership-I hoped she'd be different, but...

Olivia's reaction was my fault.

It was I who expected her to be on my side unconditionally, even when I haven't even explained anything yet. But... I just couldn't.

I can't tell her the truth about Harris-Moore and me.

So now, I'm rotting in my room alone and in frustration. I had hoped to go home with her tonight and patch things up on the car ride, but she told me she'd stay in her office for a while. Apparently, she had a lot of things to do. I should've known she was still angry.

"Well, time to drown my sorrows." I got up from my chair, took my night robe and walked to the door. Perhaps some wine will help me know how to solve things with the wife.

With a heavy sigh, I opened the door... only to be surprised. There she was, standing in front of me, hugging files in between her arms.


She smiled, "Hey."

I swallowed a breath at the sight of her, "I thought you were in the office. You said you had work to do?"

"I finished. Mind if I show you something?"

I blinked once, twice. She didn't look mad. What is she up to?

"S-sure. Come on in." I opened the door wide and gestured for her to come into my room.

She nodded, walking towards my bedroom desk without wasting a second. I suddenly felt my heart skip a beat for no reason. It's the first time she's in my bedroom this late. On most nights, we would go to our study down the hall to continue office work. Whenever we were free, we would either go out or watch movies in the living room. Never have we ever had an activity in each of our bedrooms.

Plus, she's also the first woman I ever let in this personal room of mine.

Well, she is my wife. It's not supposed to be a big deal. But why does it feel like it is?

"Judah," she called, "Come on."

I tightened my robe and walked towards her. She had her files spread out on my desk. I scanned the pages on top of the pile and I was stunned. A hint of anxiety started building up in my chest.

"This is..."

"The Harris-Moore Project." She smiled and continued, "I created an initial outline of the plans you discussed with me, like the housing and the park. I might need a little bit more detail on that later. As for the malls, it would be a tough one since we need the investors to see the town's potential first. We might also need the help of the police to hold down the fort once we start operations-"

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