Chapter 1 (Amy) (Edited)

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*****Edited By:  krisgee*****

 2011 © All Rights Reserved

When I Look at You

Chapter 1- AMY

            “There you are Romeo,” I called out when my favorite tabby cat showed up.  He rubbed himself against my leg begging for my attention.  I bent down to the corner of my bed, picked him up and showered him with all of my attention and love.  “Who needs boys, when I have you Romeo?” I whispered against his ear.  He answered me with a rumbling purr, causing me to smile.

            Tabby and Liza think the world revolves around boys.  Not me, though.  I will find my mate one day but until then I want to live in the moment and enjoy my senior year.  I am definitely in no big hurry to find my mate either.  I say let my cousins have the boys and I will just sit back and watch.  The pair of them should keep me good and entertained this year with their wild escapades.

            My brother Zach would be happy as a lark knowing that I have no interest in boys yet.  Ever since we could walk he had had a protective streak over me a mile long.  God forbid some poor soul asks me out.  That would definitely earn him a third degree interrogation from my intimidating brother.  I shuddered at the mere thought.

            I laid Romeo on the bed and went to the mirror to make some last minute adjustments to my appearance.  Pulling my hair up in a pony tail and adding a bit of shiny strawberry lip gloss, I finished my look and headed downstairs. 

            Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I almost ran right over my dad. 

            “Slow down there Princess.  Where’s the fire?” he asked with a hint of laughter in his eyes.  

            He steadied my stance and smiled down at me.  I loved my dad.  Will Martin was one of the easiest guys to talk to.  I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek.

            “Morning daddy.  Tabby and Liza are picking me up for school this morning and I want to be ready when they get here,” I replied excitedly. 

            I jumped up and passed him in a hurry as I bounded off to the kitchen.  I could still hear his laughter ringing in my ears when I walked in and spotted Zach sitting at the kitchen counter.  

            “Morning sis,” he said half heartedly.

            “Good morning, big bro,” I replied as I swept in behind him and swiped a piece of bacon off of his plate.

            “Hey, that’s mine!” he squealed in a teasing tone.  

            I turned to him and stuck my tongue out, causing him to erupt in a fit of laughter.  He picked up a piece of toast and pointed it right at me.

            “You know sis, if you keep doing that your tongue is going to get stuck that way,” he replied.

            I lifted my brow at him and swiped the toast out of his hand.  He growled at me in a teasing tone.

            “When are you going to learn, bro.  You don’t wave food in front of me if you want to keep it,” I replied with a sly smile.  

            Zach shook his head back and forth.  “You know, if I didn’t love you then you’d have never gotten away that.”

            I walked up to him and patted him on the head like a good little puppy and smiled when he scowled at me.

When I Look At You  (Book 2- Mated Hearts Series) CompleteWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt