Part two

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'𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙢.'


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"All right, what do you see?"

"Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target." Wanda reported back to Steve through the comms. I was sitting by myself a few chairs away from my sister and the Russian that I had noticed -0 minutes ago.

"There's an ATM on the south corner, which means?"

"Cameras." I answered the Captain. "Both cross streets are one way."
"So, compromised escape routes."

"Means our guy doesn't care about being seen. He isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out." Rogers was in a building, looking out the window to suvaliance the street. Sam was on a high up roof while me, Natasha and Wanda was in the outside seating at a café, trying to be undercover.
"You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?"

"Yeah, the red one? It's cute. Very Wanda." I chuckle, earing a glance from her.

"It's also bulletproof," I roll my eyes at the Russain who has to be right, even though she can't see me. "which means private security... which means more guns... which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us. And stop rolling your eyes at me, Anara." I snorted back, glancing over to her with a smile and a wink.

"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?" Wanda spoke, sipping on her drink.

"You can eye roll at that, Ana." Nat commented to me, getting back to the job. "Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature." Wanda looked back, seeing a smirking Natasha.

"Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?" Sam asked from the roof. "Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?"

"Yep." I muttered, drinking the rest of my water.

"Eyes on target, folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him."

"Calm down, Captain, maybe you should try yoga." I replied back to him, earning a chuckle from Sam before he answered Steve. "Yeah, and if he sees us coming, that won't be a problem. He kind of hates us."

"You mean you three. I don't know him." I corrected him.

"Sam... see that garbage truck? Tag it." Redwing was sent towards it, searching for the targeted vehicle. "Give me X-ray." Sam spoke.

I looked over to see Wanda still scanning the area, drinking from the cup. Natasha was was being causal, looking around but unsuspiciously. I was playing with the rings on my finger as we awaited instructions.

"That truck's loaded for max weight. And the driver's armed." My comm went off at the sound of Wilson's voice.

"It's a battering ram."

"Go now." Steve instructed quickly. "

Why?" Wanda panicked slightly with confusion.

"He's not hitting the police." Sam flew off and Steve started to run out the building. Me, Nat and Wanda all got up quickly and raced over to the area. The widow stole a motorcycle, Wanda and I levitated up in the air with our powers.

Red and blue mist left our palms, allowing us to push off the ground and quickly to arrive at the sight.

"Body armour, AR-15s. I make seven hostiles." Steve informed us. Sam swooped to the top, taking out two more. "I make five."

Wanda and I arrived to the ground, instantly she held up a force field as one of the men began to shoot at us. I used my blue to grab hold of him, Wanda called to the Falcon just as I threw the man to him.

Sam countered the attack, swooping down to him and landing ahead of us. "Four."

"Rumlow's on the third floor." He spoke, walking past us and the Captain. "Wanda, Anara, just like we practiced." Steve instructed us.

"What about the gas?"
"Get it out." I took a deep breath, blue covering my hands as I followed Wanda's lead. She was better at this and flying then me.

Scarlett lifted Steve to the highest floor, letting him jump through a window. We quickly prepared ourselves and let our powers seep out our hands, pulling the toxic gas out of the building and into the air. We slowly but surely did it. Mist was being pulled out and into the sky. A few times I looked behind, using one hand to block a few bullets aiming for Sam.

"Rumlow has a biological weapon."
"I'm on it." Natasha reported back on the radio. The black widow arrived on scene, beginning to attack the men.

Rumlow sent a bomb through the building causing me and Wanda to quickly shield ourselves from the smoke towards us. "Sam. He's in a AFV heading north." Cap informed over radio. Sam gave us orders to meet up with Cap, flying off to help find the vial.

We ran over, not to draw attention to ourselves. Meanwhile Nat retrieved the vial and Steve was fighting Brock in the middle of the market.

"I think I look pretty good, all things considered." Rumlow was knelt on the floor. "Who's your buyer?"

"You know, he knew you." He threw off Steve's thoughts. "Your pal, your buddy, your Bucky."

"What did you say?"

"He remembered you. I was there, He got all weepy about it. Till they put his brain back in a blender. He wanted you to know something. He said to me... 'Please tell Rogers. When you gotta go... you gotta go.' And you're coming with me."

Me and Wanda got there just in time. He pressed a button, detonating a bomb on his chest. Scarlett formed around him followed by sapphire. We used all our strength to enclose the explosion. With a knowing glance to each other, we lifted it in the air. I felt the grip loosen, it suddenly crashed through the building. We shielded our face from the glass, looking back with wide eyes, Wanda covering her mouth with her hand in shock.

"Oh, my..." Steve muttered, looking up at he fire. "Sam..." Still shocked, he spoke through over the radio to him. "we need Fire and Rescue on the south side of the building." I knelt down beside my sister, pulling her into a hug, as Steve made a run to the building, helping people. "We gotta get up there." He shouted back to us. I looked over at the scene, but turned my attention back to my sister.


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