Chapter 8: Ruins

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Pietro came to a halt, dropping down both me and Wanda. She jumped forward, hands out in front of her, sending scarlett energy to the bots. I turned my right, bringing my right arm up, a blue blast emerging from my hands.

"Hold your fire!" A police man said from behind us.

Pietro ran through the robots, knocking them apart. Wanda was sending red hits to the bots, tearing them apart. I was throwing blue mist to the ones by me, making them scatter to the ground.

Just as Pietro was running to an oncoming bot, a bullet was fired, grazing my brothers arm. He stopped to look at it, glancing back to give the man a look. I looked over my shoulder at the police man, and scoffed a laugh at his reaction.

Four Iron Legion bots came towards us. Both myself and Wanda sent a mix of blue and red energy towards them. Metal clanked when hitting the floor.

Pietro ran off, pulling the robots apart on his way. Me and Wanda began to help people to a building after seeing Steve past us, telling us on where to go.

"Avengers, we're leading the civilians to the town hall, try to meet us there." Cap spoke through his comm as we were guiding the people in the doors.

Wanda and I followed behind Steve. Turning the corner, we saw him talking to a red head. "Romanoff." She looked to me and my sister.
"Are they my jackets?" She asked, seeing I was wearing a black one and Wanda a red leather.

"They're with us." the soldier nodded his head to us.
"That still doesn't explain the jacket." Clint walked up beside Nat.

"Fighting these robots is getting us nowhere." Nat looked to Steve with a look. Wanda moved her shoulder a bit, uncomfortable with the situation. "Air's getting thin. We go much higher, people start dropping."

I followed Wanda's eyesight to where more people were gathered. "There are people in the city still hiding." She turned to look at the captain.

"Move them out." We nodded back. Wanda jogged past the two, as I casually walked past, glancing back to see the assassins watching what we're doing. I smirked, seeing the Russian, then turned back, jogging over to follow Wanda to the city.

"Barton?" Cap called him. "I got their six." Hawkeye followed behind us.

"Next?" Natasha walked up to Steve. "We fight robots." She crossed her arms over, moving them out beside her, taser batons fell into her hands. They glanced to their right as a screeching sound was heard, followed by the blonde Sokovian. He came to an abrupt halt, holding a robot arm.

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