chapter 23: Thanos

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I landed just behind Wanda, following her fast pace to find Vision. I halted as I saw Vision lent against a tree branch, his hand holding a stab would that was on his stomach. "Vis." I muttered. My mouth agape as I was scared to lose him.

"Are you okay?" Wanda ran straight to his side. A high pitched ringing ran through my ears, the mind stone glowing a brighter yellow. I stepped forward but stopping as Vision groaned in pain. "What? What is it?"

"he's here." I looked around, seeing the trees shake and the wind howl.

"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming."

I spun around, seeing a cloudy blue portal appear. Wanda stood up, moving in front of Vis as she gathered a mist of scarlet in her hands. I kneelt beside the synthezoid and placed my hands on his shoulder.

"I can teleport us out of here." I looked into his eyes, but his weren't one of hope. It was one on acceptance, pain and fear. "We have not the time." He slowly grabbed my hand from his shoulder, moving it to his hand. "You need to it now." I let go, stumbling back as I shook my head frantically.

"Eyes up. Stay sharp."

I watched as Bruce flew straight through the purple monster, being moulded into the cement hill. Steve ran up next, purple consumed him as he was pushed to the side.

T'challa pounced at Thanos, but was grabbed by his neck, being punched into the ground by Thanos' other hand. Sam flew towards him, guns shooting at the same time. It did nothing as he was pulled to the ground.

"Wanda. Anara." He grabbed both our hands, making us turn to him. Tears threatened to spill from both me and my sister. "It's time." I gulped back not wanting to face the truth. "No." Wanda spoke through threw clenched teeth, turning back to Thanos.

"They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can." I looked back to see my friends get pushed away like rag dolls. "Look at me." Both of our heads whipped round to face Vis. "You both have the power to destroy the stone." He held my hand tight in his right hand and Wanda's in his left. "Don't" I shot back to him.

"You must do it. Please." He held Wanda's hand in his to his face, looking to her and glancing to me. "We are out of time." She shook her head in denial as i bit my lip. "I can't." "Vis.." I trailed off, my voice as a whisper.

"Yes, you both can." He held both off our hands out towards the stone. "If he gets the stone, half the universe dies." I could see my sisters bottom lip quiver from beside me. "You promised me Anara."

"V. Please. You're my best friend." Tears clouded my eyes as I spoke. "It's not fair. It shouldn't be either of you, but it is. Its all right. You could never hurt me." He glanced between both of us. "Thank you... for being my friend. I wish we had more time." He looked to me as I let a tear fall down my face.

Vision let go of the other Maximoff's hand, looking at her with love. "I just feel you."

We both lifted our palm out to him, Sapphire slowly floating from my hand and scarlet from Wands. I stood at her left, grabbing her hand as we began to push energy at the stone. I closed my eyes, seeing the pain on Vision's face was too much.

At the same time Rhodes was thrown back, followed Bucky running to the danger, being thrown aside. Okoye threw her spear, it stopping mid air and purple consuming her with it. Natasha ran up next, the ground from under her caging her in.

I looked back seeing them lose, pulling hand away from Wanda's and beside my left palm, letting double the energy into destroying the stone. The red head copied my actions as she too noticed the team behind.

I buried my foot deeper into the dirt, using as much of my strength as possible. I felt a tear slid down my cheek, seeing my friend dying at my hand.

When the fighting died down, I turned to see Thanos walking to us. I quickly moved my body to the side, outstretching my hand to him, pushing sapphire to him and my other hand still focused on helping Wanda. He lifted his gloved hand up, using a force field to hold me off.

I closed my eyes tight as he used more force. I moved both hands out in front of me, draining all my energy in holding him off. My eyes flickered a blue as I used more power. I was continuing to hold him, until a blast knocked me back.

I rolled over to my front, lifting my self of the ground slightly with a groan. I saw feet step closer and closer. "I understand, my children. Better than anyone." "You could never." Wanda bit back. His hand pressed against the tops of our head. "Today, I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn." He let go and walked away. "Now is no time time."

My body gave out and I fell back down to the floor, my head drifting to the left as I watched what was happening. He held his left hand out where the glove was placed, green circled his wrist as he moved his hand out. Slowly, the pieces returned and I watched as my friend began to return to one piece. As soon as Vision was seen, I teleported over to Thanos, but was immediately back handed, resulting in me falling further away, my head hitting a brick wall. I heard as my sister shouted but nothing more after that.

My eyes grew heavy, but I tried to stay awake. I clenched my teeth as I tried to quiet my screams, moving my body up to stand. I feel back to the floor, not seeing as Thanos grab Vision by the neck, lifting in him the air as he ripped the stone from Visions forehead, discarding his body to the floor.

I used the wall to push myself up, seeing Thor fly down, sending the axe towards the titan who had just added the last stone to the gauntlet. I blinked, each time the view changed. First Thanos had an axe through his chest. next, Thor was in front of him. The Titan raised his hand. Then a blue and grey portal closed, the axe dropping to the ground.

"Where'd he go? Thor. Where'd he go?"

"Steve." I stumbled over to the pair, the soldier catching my arm before I fell. He continued to look around, Thor was too busy stuck in shock.

"Doll?" I turned around, seeing Bucky drop to the floor, turning into dust. My breathing began to pick up. Steve walked over to where his best friend had disappeared, Knelling to down to touch the ashes.

"Wanda." I panicked, frantically searching around. I saw as dust flew with the wind where My sister once was. I let out a silent scream, seeing the only family I had left turn to dust.

Steve rushed over, Seeing the synthazoid on the floor. He knelt beside him, turning Vision over and saw how the stone was ripped out, his robot body gone from red to grey. I gasped as I noticed that he was gone. They were all gone. My breathing became more frantic, holding my hands out in front of me as I waited to turn to dust as the rest. I didn't. My knees buckled under me, I dropped to ground holding a hand over my mouth, realising that they were dust. I wouldn't have the relief to die with them.

"What is this? What the hell is happening?"

I didn't take any notice of who had knelt next to me, pulling me to them as they hugged me in comfort, as I started to sob. My hands clenched around the green fabric of there vest and I held on for dear life. They were gone. We had lost.

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