Chapter 37: Losing

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𝘼𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙, 2023

"Anara. Anara!" I heard a voice and blinked my eyes open to see Clint hovering by me. "ow." I muttered as my hand went to my head, feeling blood running down my skull.

"We need to go. now." 

"What happened?" I asked as the archer helped me up. "We were attacked. I don't know where the others are."

He stopped by the floor and I noticed the gauntlet too, under some rubble. A sudden growl caught both of out attentions and Barton prepared himself before throwing an arrow at the tunnel to our right. A group of aliens were climbing through.

"Okay." he muttered to himself. "Grab the glove." I said to him, putting up a force field and waiting for Clint to start running. 

"I got this. Go." Clint was hesitant at first but then ran. I let down the shield and threw a ball of sapphire energy at them, killing one of them then I threw another killing a second before using what energy I had left to teleport by Clint. 

When I landed by the archers side I kept up his pace, running through the tunnel and sending back as much of power as I could.

"Where the hell do we go?" I shouted out to Clint. "Anywhere." He too didn't have an exact answer. I quickly stopped and held my hands up and blue engulfed the three aliens and I ripped them apart, looking back to see Clint looking at me. "We need to go." I glanced back, seeing more were coming for us. 

I followed him as he placed arrows on the side of the walls, beeping as an explosion was set off. I grabbed Clint's arm, teleporting us up, away from the radius of the fire. When my feet hit the ground I tumbled to the floor, catching my breath.

"You good?"

"I just.. need a minute."

Clint breathed out, sitting on the floor to catch his own breath since we were not currently under attack. That was until Nebula came walking to us.

"Oh, hey." Barton muttered as she grabbed the glove from him but I was to bust trying to keep myself awake. "I know you."

"Father.." She said and both of us perked up, haring this. shit. "I have the stones."

I quickly sent a ball of blue hue towards her, making Nebula hit the wall and drop the glove. "Grab it." I said, pulling myself up and heading to the blue woman, knowing I was too weak to try and use all my powers so I was going to fight. 

I threw a punch but she quickly caught it, spinning me around so my back was to her front and a gun was to the side of my skull.

"Stop." A new voice said, pulling our attention to them. A green woman entered with a gun trained on Nebula. Nebula picked up the gauntlet and backed away, me with her.

"You're betraying us?" 

I looked down to Clint, nodding slightly to him in indication I was okay. I was going to teleport and kick the gauntlet towards him. Another Nebula then approached from the other side. The gun then went to her instead of me and I was pushed to beside Clint, who quickly helped pull both of us away from the line of fire.

"I can teleport to the glove." I said inside of Clint's head. My eyes shut as I focused on his mind. 

"Holy shit. What the hell." Clint spoke in his mind, sending me a look. "I'm talking to you with my powers. Don't worry, I'm not messing with your mind. Listen, I can teleport to the glove and you run."

"No. It's to risky."

I thought for a second, glancing over to the trio. "Nebula, listen to her."

"We can change."

"He won't let me." Just before she could shoot Gamora, our present Nebula shot her old self. I walked with Clint as he picked up the glove.

"I don't know if I have enough energy to teleport all of us.." my words died down as I felt a tug in the back of my mind. One that I know so well as it belongs to my sister. 

"What is it?" Clint said when he noticed my mood changed. "She's back." I gasped and a smile crept up on my face before jumping on Clint for a hug. "Wanda's back."

"Yeah. Calm down, kid." He hugged back one handed and My feet touched the ground again. "Can you two find a way out?" Barton said, looking to Thanos' daughters. "Yes. You two should go, and keep it away from him." We nodded back I smiled to Clint before teleporting us out and to the battle field.

"Woah."  I gasped, seeing the mess and huge war field. "If I don't make it out, take care of Wanda." I said looking to the man at my side. "We both are gonna be oaky." and with that, we went into battle.

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