Chapter 22: Battlefield

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"Shuri?" I questioned, turning towards the table. Wanda began pacing as soon as the war outside started. "I still need time, Anara. If you want this to work you need to be patience."

"I don't think we have that long, princess." I glanced out the window, seeing the army attack. Wanda put her hand in mine, staring out at the scene. "What if they die, Ana. What if.." I quickly cut her off. "Stop it, Wands. We can't let V die and can't let Thanos get the stone. If they die.." I gulp back. "Then we must make the sacrifice to stop him. Your more powerful then you care to admit. You could've teared the Avengers years ago without me, but we realised that we are more then HYDRA and Ultron."

"Remember Clint's speech when we had to jump through the window." we both chuckled under our breath. "He said that if we go out there, we fight, we are an Avengers. Vision will be fine and so will they. Nothing bad is going to happen if we're together."

She looked to me and I to her. "Family." I muttered in Sokovian. "Family."

"I'm sorry about Scotland. We just wanted time. I know I promised to keep in touch after you last visited, but Ross we getting closer and I knew your safe." She rushed out and I smiled at her, squeezing her hand in reassurance.

Outside it was full of fighting. Everyone put as much of there strength into it. They had one job and they would die to protect there home, their family and the world. A sacrifice for billions.

"How long, Shuri?"

"I've barely begun, brother." My whipped around to the princess. "You might want to pick up the pace."

"Do you want to do this, T'challa? I suggest you keep the aliens off our back for the meantime, My King." I shot back, adding sarcasm at the end words.

I heard Bucky mutter something that I couldn't quite hear but I just lent by the window, waiting till I was of use.

Bruce was getting the hang of the suit, flying up to jump down and squash the creatures. I scanned the area for Sam and then Bucky. An alien pushed him down and was scratching close to him. Sapphire circled my palm and I pushed of the glass. I felt Wanda grab my hand, my powers subsiding. "He will be fine." I started to bit my nail of my other hand, seeing him stab the alien back.

"They're not going to make it." I started to leave but Wanda ran over in front of me. "We need to protect the stone." It's funny how we act wise when the other is nervous. "I though I said that to you a moment ago." I paced back to the window, Wanda beside stood Vision.

"There's too many of 'em!"

"Steve? I can help!"

"No!" He shouted back, not wanting to risk less protection for V. Without a second later, a bright light shot down, An axe flew around, knocking down the surrounding creatures. The object flew back the light, returning to the hands of Thor. Beside him stood a... tree and a racoon?

"You guys are so screwed now!"

"Bring me Thanos!" Thor shouted, running into battle. He flew up, collecting lightning, jumping jack down letting the blue light ripple through the ground.

I bit my lip as I watched the killing on innocents and I couldn't do anything to help. I tasted blood, realising that I bit to hard. I wiped it away with the back of my hand, the red trailing down my skin.

I focused on Bucky first, watching him pick up the racoon, moving in a circle as they shot of the aliens. "How much for the gun?"

"Not for sale." Bucky responded, shooting. "Okay. How much for the arm?" Bucky walked off after sending a look to the rocket. "Oh, I'll get that arm."

meanwhile Steve was using the shields that was placed on his forearm to cut the aliens and Thor beside him was using his new axe.

"New haircut?"

"Noticed you copied my beard." I rolled my eyes at hearing the shared compliments in the middle of a fight. "By the way, this is a friend of mine, Tree."

"I am Groot."

"I am Steve Rogers."

A distant rumbling caught my attention. I sat up from the floor where I was leaning against the glass, and looked to find the noise. Wanda joined at my side a second later.

The trees from the frost moved as something pushed them up from the ground under. Six giant wheels emerged from the ground, rolling a fast pace across the battlefield. I glanced beside to Wanda, us sharing the same look.

"Stay here." I walked off but she grabbed my arm. "Do. Not. Die." she demanded. I nodded and quickly linked my pinkie to hers. "Promise."

"Focus that fire on the flank, Sam." I listened in to the comms as I ran out the building. "I'm doing it." Sam and Rhodes got one of the wheels down. I saw the remaining five head towards where Okoye and Natasha was fighting. With a deep breath, I pushed myself in the air, sapphire falling out my hands so I'd afloat. 

I pushed myself faster, jumping down quickly in front of the warriors, crossing my hands, pulling them back as I let sapphire consume the machine. I pushed my foot deeper into the ground, leaning back as I used my strength to push the wheels into the air.

I looked back, seeing a group of aliens advancing. I swiped my hands back to my side, letting the objects crash behind, killing the creatures but avoiding harm to the people. My head turned back, seeing Nat smirk to me and a stunned look on Okoye. "Why was she up there all this time?"

"Guys, we got a Vision situation here." I turned my head back in confusion, moving my hand to my ear. "Where's Wanda?"

"Just get to Vision!" Steve shouted. I pulled a group of the aliens in half with a swift motion of my hand, moving my hand back to my ear. "On my way." just as I was about to move, I got hit, the impact making me fall down the hill and into a ditch.

I tried to drag myself away, feeling the presence behind of the same thing. "Ow!" I screeched as she grabbed a hold of my shoulder that she had previously cut in the other fight, moving her hand to grab my hair and lift my head back. Tears glassed over my eyes, a shooting pain running through my shoulder. "He'll die alone. As will you." her blade went closer to the side of my neck.

"She's not alone." Proxima turned around, seeing Natasha stand there with a stern look. She let go of me, looking to her right where Okoye spun her spear. Both warriors preparing for a fight.

"Guys, Vision needs back up now."

"Wan-" I cut myself off as I gasped for air as Proxima stepped on my stomach after dodging an attack.

As another wheel ran past us, the two ducked, giving enough time for Proxima midnight to gain the upper hand. Natasha got back up quickly and fought back, using the batons in either hand. it wasn't long until she was cornered and pushed down.

just as I was about to use my energy to pull her off, a familiar red mist grabbed a hold of the alien, lifting her up in the air just as a wheel spun past. I looked at the top of the ditch, seeing Wanda stand there. "What took you so long?" she sighed at my question, hovering down to my side to help me up. "Your boyfriend nearly got killed." I mouthed an 'oh' and let go of my sisters hand once I stood.

"That was really gross." I looked behind to see Nat pulling herself up, blue blood splashed across her face. "You need to get to Vision." I nodded to her. A few more aliens approached, scarlet and sapphire mist consumed the group pulling them apart in the process. We took of immediately after, heading straight to Vision.

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