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I opened my locker humming to myself when someone shrieked and hugged me from behind, I jumped in shock but then realized who it was. "Ashlyn geez! One day you're going to kill me!" I exclaimed grinning at my best friend. "Sorry girl, I just haven't seen you all weekend after My dad dragged me out all the way to New York for the weekend to see my loony grandma."

I raised my eyebrows at her touching up my lipstick in the mirror of my locker as she continued, "she's so fucking entitled, she treats me like I'm her maid. Do I look like a maid to you?" she asked pointing to herself expectantly.

I shook my head and we linked arms walking into the class, "did you do the project?" Ashlyn asked me as we walked into the history classroom. I nodded, "I did actually!" I told her proudly as we sat down. "For the first time ever." someone muttered from behind me, I rolled my eyes I didn't even have to turn around to see which mindless baseball nerd was talking to me right now. "I don't remember asking for your opinion, Rodriguez." I told him unamused.

He shook his head, "ah well then I guess your lucky I'm such an outspoken guy, princess, I mean how else would I be able to share my words of wisdom with you." he told me smirking. I huffed crossing my arms, "oh shut up!" I muttered as Miss Grayson walked in. "Alright class hand in your projects please, I am expecting nothing but the best since you had two whole weeks to complete them." She called to us sternly, the projects were all passed up to me in the front row and I handed them to Miss Grayson. "I'm glad you finally have something to hand in this time Caroline." she said to me as she collected the pile from my desk.

I could hear Rodriguez and DeNunez snicker behind me and had we not been in class I would have totally flipped off at them but Miss Grayson already disliked me enough I decided it wasn't worth rocking the boat again as she so nicely put it. There was a knock on the door as Miss Anderson came in, "Miss Grayson can I talk to you please?" she asked pulling my teacher out for a minute.

I whipped around to face Rodriguez and Denunez, "and what exactly was s funny about that?" I demanded. Rodriguez shrugged, "well I'm not quite sure if it was the fact that our teacher just roasted you in front of the whole class of the fact that the project you handed in was ridiculously small." he told me snickering little more.

I turned back to Ashlyn, if I kept arguing with him I was going to rip my hair out and if that happened it would be a shame because I have really nice hair. "You'll never guess who I ran into Ash!" I told her excitedly. She raised her brows, "well? don't keep me waiting I wanna know!" I grinned, "Benedict Lopez! And baby Jesus is he good looking!" I enthused watching the door incase Miss Stacy walked in.

DeNunez and Rodriguez made a retching sound behind us ad I flipped off at them without looking away from Ashlyn, "I mean he was never bad looking, but oh man has he had a glow up!" Ashlyn smirked at me, "sounds to me like you have a crush Care!" she teased. I glared at her, but not necessarily because she was wrong and more because of who was sitting two row's behind us.

Ashly shot me an apologetic look, and I can't believe I'm actually saying this but I was saved by Miss Grayson walking back into the room. "Right well kids it seems there have been a couple issues on the tennis courts, but that has all been resolved, and now we can't back to the lesson."

Ohmygod I have never been so bored in my entire life I swear I was about to fall asleep, I did actually for like five minutes, Miss Grayson was pissed about that. And now I even have to wait behind class with Rodriguez so she can discuss something with us! I really might go bald by the end of the day, maybe I should ask Mr Huntsberger to refer me to his wig maker.

Miss Grayson shot me a disappointed look, "really Caroline, I was expecting so much better from you considering your promises from last time." she shook her head, looking as if I had just told her that I vandalized the school building. I personally didn't see what was wrong with my project. "You did your project on the history of High heels Caroline." she sighed.

I widened my eyes, "it was very detailed! Besides you said we could choose the topic!" I explained a little outraged at her frustration. She sighed holding her head in her hands, "I said you could choose a school assigned topic to do your report on!" Miss Grayson snapped getting increasingly angry, "not do it on the only thing you seem to be good at , fashion! Something that will not get you very far in life by the way if it's all you know how to do!"

Now I was outraged, but I couldn't call her out for calling me stupid because that would just make things worse.

"Anyhow, getting back to my original point, you need to up your game if you want to stay in this class for the rest of the year. And since have told you this countless times I have decided on another solution. Tutoring."

My mouth dropped open, but I couldn't get any words out of my mouth, my parents were going to kill me if they found out my teacher was forcing a tutor onto me. She continued, "and considering the fact that you and Mr. Rodriguez seem to be having a little bit of a lovers spat or whatever you call it, your punishment will not be a detention but him tutoring your the rest of the month." she informed me.

I let out a groaned, "But Miss Grayson he such an-." she cut me off with a harsh glare, "I'm sorry to do this to you Mr. Rodriguez as you are one of my star pupils but she really needs the help and you will be getting paid by the school to do so." she told Rodriguez. He didn't react, maybe it was because he's a suck up or maybe it's because he's getting paid to watch me suffer. Either way he got the high end of the deal.

"You are dismissed." Miss Grayson told us in her stupid, snobby voice. God I hated this woman, she was challenging Rodriguez for worlds biggest asshat and right now it looked like she was going to win. I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the classroom over to Ashlyn who had a free period with me now. "What a bitch!" I raged as we walked down the hall to the library, "first she has the audacity to tell me I'm dumb, the she says me and Rodriguez are having a lovers spat and then, and this is undoubtedly the worst part, that psycho makes me Rodriguez's fucking tutee!"

Ashlyn frowned, "she called you dumb? But you're one of the smartest people I know, you're mostly in AP classes and pretty much always get above ninety percent on tests, you can speak fluent German!" Ash protested.

I laughed bitterly, "well apparently if you're not good at History you won't get very far in life, especially not if you dress pretty!" I mocked as I shoved the library door open so hard it banged into the wall making everyone look up.

I huffed dragging Ashlyn over to the table in the middle of the library before pulling out our books and mentally checking myself so that I could calm down, I took a deep breath and then turned back to my best friend. "So what did you need help with?" I asked her pulling out my pen. She pushed her maths homework over to me and I took a look before starting to explain it to her


"What was that all about?" Kenny asked pointing to a fuming Caroline, as she stormed down the corridor ranting about what a bitch Miss Grayson was. I groaned, "I have to tutor her now," I told him running my hand through my hair, "but long story short, Miss Grayson hates her and Caroline apparently puts no effort into History but I'm pretty sure she just doesn't get it and Miss Grayson lost it at her and told her that she was just a dumb, pretty girl who needs to up her game if she wants to get anywhere."

Kenny whistled, "I can imagine that's not going to go down well." he muttered as we walked I to our next lesson, I laughed and shook my head. "Besides it not like she's stupid, she just doesn't care about Miss Grayson and her dumb, boring teaching methods. Not that I care, Caroline Baker can drop out of high school and leave the country for all I care." I told him as we sat down.

Kenny snorted, "sure, whatever you need to tell yourself." he teased as Mr Huntsberger walked in, "alright class open your books to page 159 please..." he said but I stopped whistling when my eyes landed on that idiot Ashlyn and Caroline had been talking about earlier. Benedict Lopez. He was a prick as far as I knew, the other day he had knocked into Squints sending his books flying through the hall and then laughed before walking away. I don't understand what they saw in him, he's an ass. But like calls to like right?

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now