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My siste Lola shot me a sly look, "what kind of fancy ass party was this?" she asked flipping through one of those chap magazines. I rolled my eyes at her, "one that you're not invited to Lola."

She scoffed, "so when am I going to meet this Caroline. She's all you ever talk about these days." I shot her a glare, "what the hell are you even doing on my room Lo?"

"I'm bored, besides I've never, ever seen you dress that fancy. She must be a special girl Benjamin." Lola sing-songed. I scoffed, "Caroline is not my girlfriend!"

Lola laughed disbelievingly and then left when my mom yelled for her to come downstairs and set the table. I fixed my tie before going downstairs.

My Dad had invited my mother too so she was all dressed up in a blue shiny dress. We left Lola and Emmy - my cousin who had come to stay - at the house before my mom drove us to the Baker's house.

Mr Baker had organised a fancy dinner and drinks for 'Buzzie', the parents and the kids who were trying out. My mom got out a shocked look on her face "Jesus I forgot how huge this place was." My mom muttered as we rang the doorbell.

Mr Baker opened the door and led us inside, "Natalie what a nice surprise, I have to say I've grown to like your son very much. Very polite boy." He told my mom clapping me on the back.

She smiled, "I expect nothing else from him."
They walked off together leaving me at the door I saw Caroline walk down the stairs with Ashlyn. Caroline was wearing a long, dark pink dress with thin straps and a slit going down the side.

Ashlyn's dress was blue and stopped above her knees. She waved at me and Caroline elbowed her, clearly she was still mad at me.

"Oh good, you're here." She muttered disdainfully, "yay."
I snorted, "still pissed then?"
She scowled, "more than you know. Not only am I not allowed to go out with Benedict but I'm grounded until I apologise for hitting you."

Wow. I hasn't expected that. Then again I was really going to enjoy that, she walked away pulling Ashlyn along and going to say hello to to other boys. Her expression was a lot happier though she hugged them both and they went go sit down with her and Ashley.

I guessed there were about 8 boys here, Phillips, the two that were Caroline's friends, two prep school kids, two more kids I didn't recognise and then me.

To my surprise Caroline was walking over to me again, "come and meet my friends." She said unhappily as we walked over to her group.
I snorted, "did your dad put you up to this Princess?"

She rolled her eyes, "that's not my name. And not he didn't, I'm not talking to him right now."
I didn't reply I already knew what had happened, Kenny had been at home when Caroline had felled Ashlyn after our argument and he had heard everything and told me.

"My friends were the ones who wanted to meet you for a reason I can't fathom." She told me as we reached them.
The two boys got up grinning, "so you're the guy that's been giving Caroline such misery."

They teased her as she shit the glares, "well done, we always at she needs to be toughened up a bit, don't we Cee?"

She smacked them both on the backs of the heads, "you guys are such assholes your supposed to be on my side!"
They grinned putting their arms around her, "don't pout. You'll get wrinkles." They teased her.

The one with the brown hair stuck out his hand, he was tan and his eyes were dark brown, "I'm Parker, it's nice to meet you man."

I shook his hand and then the blonde boy's, "I'm Will, what's your name."
"I'm Benny."

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now