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When I walked into school the monday after my date I was fuming, how dare he say those things, how dare he even get involved in an issue that barely even concerned him! What a concieted asshole! I stormed into the classroom not even aknowledging Benedict as he shot me a hello grin. I grabbed Rodriguez by the arm and yanked him out of the classroom and into the one next door which luckily was empty. 

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I shouted angrily, "what even made you consider telling my father about how horrible you think Benedict is!" he seemed to stunned to say anything back but maybe it was because I left him about one second to reply, "I have no idea what possesed you to get involved in my love life, but thanks to you I amd now FORBIDDEN TO SEE BENEDICT!" 

He raised his eyebrows surprised, but I continued before he could open his mouth, "you know what my dad told me when i got home, huh? HUH? He told me that the two of you had a little talk and thanks to your advice he's making the executive decision that I can't date people that I have to DUMB MYSELF DOWN FOR!" 

"In fact, my father has decided that I am only allowed to date boys like you, who have morals and have their feet firmly on the ground." I shouted, "What are you in love with me or something. Is is this all some elaborate plot to make me fall for you? because let me tell you one thing: IT'S NOT FRICKING WORKING ASSHOLE!" 

"I am not in love with you Caroline, I'd rather die than be your boyfreind just to make that clear." He deadpanned when I finally left a pause long enough for him to talk. As soon as he opened his mouth to continue however I interrupted again. "So then what? If this is some sort of prank I swear to god I'll make you pay for it!" 

"Caroline!" He snapped, "give me five seconds to explain would you? Your dad asked me for my honest opinion and I gave it what did you expect me to do, lie?" 

"YES! You could have just said you're not close enough with Benedict to make any kind of judgement on him rather than trash him infront of my Father!" I stormed out of the room angrily not wanting to continue the conversation since my lesson started in about three minutes. I could Hear Benny open the door after I had slammed it shut, "It's not my fault your Dad trusts my judgement more than he does yours, Caroline. Grow up!" 

That was the cherry on top of the whole thing I was already angry enough that a stupid comment like that sent me over the roof, I turned around and punched him in the face as hard as I could. My hand hurt like hell afterwards but when I saw that I had made his nose bleed it was totally worth it. 

"CAROLINE BAKER!" I heard Miss Grayson yell from behind me, I froze turning around slowly ealising what a stupid thing I had just done, oh my god was I going to be in trouble now, "PRINCIPLES OFFICE NOW!"

I glared at Benny before walking down the corridor and into the principles office, Miss Grayson put her arm around him, "are you ok Mr Rodriguez? Do I need to take you to the nurse, would you like to have the day off?" 

I knocked on the principles door and he yelled for me to come in. I opened the door and sat down, "win another award?" he asked smiling his eyes twinkling. I smiled back, I had always liked principle Hawethorne, he was really nice. "I'm afaid the opposite actually, I hit Benny Rodriguez in the face about fie minutes ago and Miss Grayson told me to go to your office." 

His smile turned into a frown, "Caroline, really, I expected better from you of all people. You know that I'll have no choice but to suspend you for the rest of the day." 

I hung my head feeling bad, I was normally never like this but of course stupid old Rodriguez knew how to get the best of me. "I'm sorry." I replied. Principle Hawethorne shrugged, "well i don't suppose their is much you can do about it now, own it Caroline. You've gone through with your action and now you have to deal with the consquence, stick up for yourself." 

I nodded, he was right and in truth I didn't really regret punching Benny, in fact I think he definitely deserved it, I was just annoyed I had gotten suspended because of it. "Do you want to explain to me what happened before I call your father?"

"Rodriguez got involved in a personal matter of mine that he had no right to share his opinion on and I got angry with him and we argued and then I punched him." I replied. 

Principle Hawethorne nodded, "seems fair enough, I do still have to suspend you though."

I walked out of the principles office ten minutes later when I heard that my father had arrived, there was no doubt in my mind that he was going to go absolutely feral but I could deal with that later. I saw Rodriguez walk out of the nurses office, he shot me a smug grin, "bye Princess." 

I had to resrain myself from hitting him again, I thought he had forgotton about that infernal nickname but it seemed getting hit in the face jogged his memory. 

I was right by the way, my father went mental once I stepped in his car, he started shouting at me in German, it wasn't even his native language but he had leanrt it for my mother and made sure to talk to me in German so I woulnd't forget. He yelled at me about how violence was utterly unnaceptable and I should have come to him if I had had a problem and not take it out on his precious player of the week. 

"It's so unfair that you trust his judgement more than me!" I argued back, "just because benny doesn't like him it doesn't mean that Benedicts a bad guy like he says! Besides even if he is the monster heart breaker the two of you think he is, you should let me figure that out for myself and make my own mistakes. I don't want to be treated like a baby for the rest of my life." 

"I do not value Benny's judgement more than yours Caroline." My father answered gravely. 

"Then why won't you allow me to go out with Benedict?" 

"Because I don't think he's a good person." my father replied. 

"Because of Benny." 

"No because I can tell that he's not right for you." 

"No, it's because you don't trust me to make my own decisions, if you did you'd let me go out with Benedict and have confidence that I can handle myself." 

My Father didn't reply which just proved me right, the drive home was silent and so was dinner, afterwards I stormed up to my room and called Ash who was worried about me since she had heard I'd been suspended. 

"What happened Care?" she asked as I lay down on my bed, "i punched benny in the face because he told me dad that Benedict was an asshole, and now my dad won't let me go out with him because he doesn't trust me."

"Ouch." She muttered. 

I huffed, ouch indeed. 


Do I regret telling Mr Baker that I think that Benedict Lopez is an ass? Absolutely fucking not. 

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