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As soon as the car touched down and I'd had a shower to get rid of the disgusting lake hair I'd gotten from swimming all week with my cousins I drove down to Benny's house. I'm pretty sure I blew about five red lights. I checked my outfit in the reflection of their living room window, light washed jeans and a cropped, light pink bell sleeve blouse. Not quite my usual style but it still suited me well enough. 

I rang on the doorbell and Emmy answered, she grinned flinging her arms around me, "I missed you! Ohmygosh, Benny will be so happy to see you I'll go get him for you! I've been trying to convince him to come and watch a movie with Kenny and I tonight but he said he wouldn't go if you didn't come." 

I laughed, "what's the movie?" although I already had a sneaking suspicion. 

"Defenders three." Emmy replied. 

"Over my dead body." I replied, i wouldn't have wanted to put myself through those two hours of torture alone either. 

"He said you'd say that." Emmy replied turning towards the stairs, "HEY! Bridge Troll! Come down and see who just arrived." she turned back to me, "that nickname has come in very handy."

"Emmy! How many times?! Don't call me that!" Benny groaned, I could hear him make his way across the landing to the stairs. "Well, well, well..." He started when he saw me, "if it isn't my favourite princess." 

I grinned as he came down the stairs to greet me, Benny flashed me a smile, "I think there's something I should get out of the way first." He brushed my hair out of eyes with one hand rest it on my face and kissing me. "Finally." I muttered winding my arms around his neck and making him laugh. Emmy laughted as well she winked at me, "all of that trouble and you just had to be yourself, it was just like Ash said." 

Benny frowned, "what?" 

"It's a long story." I replied embarassed, he did not need to know about that. 

"Nah, come I want to hear it." Benny replied grinning even more at the expression on my face. 

Emmy nodded in agreement, "I totally think you should tell him." 

"You mean how you psycho advice failed me?" I asked shooting her a pointed look. 

"Did it though?" She asked gesturning to the two of us, "I'd actualy say my advice has a one hundered percent success rate."

"Care to fill me in?" Benny asked amused. 

"Not particualrly, but all of the times when you thought I was possesed I was tryig to make you like me." I answered sheepishly. 

"You were?" Benny asked trying to fight back laughter. 

I whacked him on the arm, "yes asshole! It's not funny, especially not how you reacted." 

This had him laughing even harder, "I'm sorry Caroline, I had no idea what you were trying to do. Wait a second, does this mean that you liked me before I liked you?" He asked smirking. 

I groaned, "don't let it get to your head." 

Benny smirked at me, "it's okay Caroline, I am incredibly good looking no one is judging you for falling for my unbelievable good charms." 

"Your right, wow did I get lucky." I replied half sarchastic half amused. 

"So?" Emmy asked interrupting, "are you coming to watch Defenders three with us?" 

We shared horrified looks, "I don't think I'll ever understand how that could be considered a good movie." 

"Clearly the two of you are not film conosseurs, it is not only a good movie, it's the best." Emmy continued making us snort. 

"Maybe we should get her brain checked out." I offered smiling. 

"Or just check her into the nearest loony bin straight away." Benny added making her scowl at us. 

"This little ganging up on Emmy team thing that the two of you have got going on, I'm not a big fan." She told us with narrowed eyes, although I could see the corners of her mouth tugging into a smile. 

"You mean being in a relationship?" Benny asked her pointedly, he ruffeled her hair, "it's okay Emmy you'll get it one day." 

She glared at him outraged and I bit back a smile, "I'll have you know I am highly desirable dumbass. In fact, you should know, that at least four of your friends have hit on me since I got here." 

I burst out laughing when I could see the look on his face drop, "what?" 

I nodded, "yeah actually they did, I remember because it was hilarious." 

Benny shook his head, "I can't believe those little tratiors, as if I would ever go after somone in their family." 

"Well I hope not, considering you're locked down now." I told him grinning. 

"Locked down huh? Aren't you bossy?" Benny teased, "and I have to admit, I'm curious to see how they managed to make a sequel to the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. Maybe we should go to the movies with them." 

"If you say so." I replied amused, "as long as you don't ditch me." 

"Now why would I ever do that?" 

We did end up going to the cinema and I can confirm that somehow, the third movie was even more abherant than the second. I tryul don't know how they did it. 

My feet were hurting becuase the heels I'd bought were knew and giving me blisters so Benny had had to carry me around the movie theatre on his back. I'd fallen asleep from plane exausthion so Kenny, who'd just gotten his lisence offered to drive since Emmy and Benny were also too tired too. 

The last thing I remember was being carried up to my bedroom my shoes bing taken off and someone pulling a blanket over me before I drifted off. All in all, today might even have been better than the day that Katherine was kicked out, and I never thought anything would be able to top that.

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now