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I was sick, I never got sick, I think the only time I'd ever been ill was when I got the chickenpox at six and you could only get that once. There was a knock on my door as Ash walkd in, "how are you doing?" 

I groaned, "I feel disgusting, and not only am I gross on the inside but I actually look gross. I have bags under my eyes, my hair is greasy because I literally can't get up to wash it without collapsing, I'm sweating all the time and I look green. Green Ash."

She laughed, "you can't look perfect all the time Cee."

"Why not? Is that so hard to ask? I get good grades, I don't do anything illegal, I'm an angle child! So why is my body working against me?" I complained. 

"Nature." Ashlyn replied rolling her eyes amused. "Also Benny is coming by later to give you the notes you mised from our lesson." 

I froze, "WHAT? No, no he can't come by now, not when I look this awful. Can't you take them from him?" 

"I can't I have tennis in ten minutes and I have to go." She told me, "bye Caroline." 

"Traitor!" I shouted after her as she closed the door. 

True to what she had said Benny showed up about twenty minutes later, I ducked under the blanket when he walked in, "Caroline?"

"Just put them on the desk please." I called my voice muffeled by the fabric. 

"What the hell are you doing? Are you hiding from me?" Benny asked snickering.

"No." I lied quickly. 

I heard a thud before I felt someone grab the blankets and try to pull them away. I yanked them back, "go away." 

He pulled them off evedintely being stronger than me because I was so sick. "Jesus Christ." He muttered. 

I scowled at him, "gee thanks asshole." 

Benny rolled his eyes, "that's not what I meant. How are you? I don't remember the last time you were sick." 

"That would be because I don't get sick." I replied annoyed. 

"Which wold make this...?" He gestured to my current state. 

"A fluke." I grumbled sniffily. "Now go away I'm highly contagious." 

"No you aren't, or your father wouldn't let us visit you." Benny replied, "you must be bored out of your mind in here if you can't even get up."

"What an accute observation." I replied sourly. "I can't even watch TV or anything because I can't get my stupid legs to support me."

I let out a shriek as he grabbed me, on hand under my knees and the other under my back and lifted me up as if I was nothing more than a rag doll. "What are you doing?" I spluttered as he walked out of my room. 

"What does it look like? I'm taking you downstairs so you can watch TV." He replied simply, completely unbothered by my attempt to struggle.

"Put me down right now!" I gritted out annyoed as Benny carried me down the steps. 

"Actually I don't think I will." He answered placing me on the sofa on the TV, "are you hungry?" Benny continued throwing a blanket over me. 

I was starving but I didn't want to admit that to him, he was meddling enough as it was. "I'm fine." I replied hotly. 

"Liar." Benny replied seeing right through me, "what do you want to eat?" 

"What I want is for you to put me back in my bed and go home." I replied, why the hell was he even bothering. 

"Would you stop being so stubborn and just tell me what you want to eat?" Benny asked annoyed, "or I'll have no choice but to make something of my choice."

And I was being stubborn? Maybe he should take a look in the mirror. 

"Fine."I ground out, "there's a stock of soup in the back of the fridge that you can heat up for me if you absolutely must."

"That wasn't so hard now was it?" He asked smirking. 

I grabbed one of the pillows on the sofa and threw it at him but it didn't get very far, he laughed turning back to the kitchen. I could have killed him. 

He sat down next to me and handed me the soup fifteen minutes later, I watched as he grabbed the remote and switched on the TV. "You're staying?" I asked frowning. 

"Well someone has to bring you back upstairs." Benny told me settling in beside me. "What do you want to watch?" 

I pulled the remote out of his grip, "aren't you bossy? I can do it myself thank you." I flicked through the channels scowling. I was sick and now he was here as a witness, how perfect

"You do realise this is a nice gesture?" He ased dhaking his head. 

"Well it wold be if I'd asked for any of it. Do you really think I want to be seen hideous and disgusting like this?" I muttered agressively flicking through the channels. 

"You don't look disgusting." Benny defended. 

"Please any one with eyes could tell you that." I replied, "I've definitely looked better. And if you say I look like this then I will kill you and then myself. " I told him angrily. 

"Caroline you're the prettiest girl I know. So relax, you look fine." He told me flicking my forhead, "stop whining." 

"I'm the prettiest girl you know?" I asked grinning.

"Don't let it get to your head." He muttered turning his attention. 

"Too late, it's already way up in there." I responded a smirk resting on my face, "nice of you to finally admit it." 

Benny groaned, "oh my god, I never should have said it in the first place." 

"Too late, the cat is out of the bag now." 


About twenty minutes later she lay passed out on the sofa the bowl of soup in her lap. I grabbed it and put it back in the kitchen before returing to the sofa. I lifted her up again and brought her back upstairs ptting der down in her bed. 

She opened her eyes confused, "what?" 

"I put you back in your bed." I told her as she pulled the blanket over herself. "Put on some music before you go, it helps me sleep." 

I searched through her records before finding the one for Nowhere man, I put it down and the music started playing through the speakers. "That's my favourite song, how did you know that?" 

"I'm not a complete idiot either." I told her. 

She mumbled something that sounded a lot like 'could have fooled me'. Even when she was ill she was a total menace. Only it was starting to see endearing rather than annoying. 

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now