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I sat crying in my room cursing my life. Zuko stupid Zuko I hated my damn vow, you burn I burn. I wasn't burned on my compete left side, but Firelord Ozai made sure I felt the shame of my betrothed's actions. A burn mark trailed from under my left eye covering the top of my ear and going into my hairline. "Princess Honna, Prince Zuko's ship will be leaving within the hour we hope you'll be ready." I female guard says swiftly before leaving the room again.

I hated Zuko, I wanted nothing to do with him, but we were united by a vow that can't be broken without losing all my honor and my families honor. I go to the shop with a single bag on my back and a flower from Fire Queen's garden in my hair. I didn't see the banished prince anywhere when I first boarded The vessel. Good, I couldn't face the boy although I hate him seeing his bandaged face may break me.

I immediately had a guard show me to my room on the ship. I stayed in my room until a knock sounded at my door, I wanted to yell and tell them to go away. Yet I found it hard to fight off the manners that had been beaten into me preparing me to be Fire Queen. I stood and opened my door to see Zuko standing with a tray of food in his hands. I looked at the boy, he had a new haircut to show his banishment status as the scar covered by bandages wasn't enough. "You need to eat." he told me not bringing his eyes to look at my face not wanting to see what type of scar I earned from his actions.

"Thank you," I said quickly not wanting to be in his presence any longer, grabbing the tray and pulling back into my room. "I'm sorry!" Zuko shouted at me before I could manage the door shut, and my eyes widened and my fire ignited. I set the tray down and pulled Zuko into my room not wanting to cause a scene to passers-by. "You're sorry?" I ask him his eyes finally looking up at me "what are you sorry for huh? For getting me burned? For me losing my family? For my whole life being swept out from under me?! You don't get it Zuko you think this burn matters to me? No, I want my life back! I want to be able to see my little sister grow up. I want to be able to fall in love. I want my freedom! And you took it from me." I screamed at him tears stinging my still fresh burn mark. 

"I didn't choose this Honna, I didn't want to ask for your hand. I had no choice, it was an order, if I hadn't done it I would have been banished way before now. I am sorry for what has happened to you, but it's too late." he told me his eyes anywhere but my face. I glared at him, he had a choice he just didn't care. I held back my rage regaining control over myself, "I apologize for losing my composure thank you for bringing me my dinner." I told him turning away from him. Zuko took that as his queue to leave and I was thankful he did much longer and I could have killed him where he stood.

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