Birthday Blockade

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After saving Iroh, we headed in the direction we had noticed the Avatar's bison flying earlier. It was a long track that way, I lean back on Zuko closing my eyes to sleep until we get there. We probably won't get there until early tomorrow, and I was right Zuko wakes me when he sees the Avatar's bison fleeing the village we're approaching. Zuko goes towards a building where a man just stumbled out, and he jumps off the rhino approaching the man. "Having trouble sleeping?" Zuko asked knocking the man back into the house. 

"Seen the Avatar lately?" he asked the man "The Avatar is heading for a crescent-shaped island in the fire nation," The man explained and Zuko left without another word. We rode off towards the ship as fast as the rhino could get us there, I jumped off and went straight for the helmsman's cabin. "Helmsman set a course for the fire nation!" I alerted him. We began sailing off as fast as we could "sailing into fire nation waters. Of all the foolish things you've done in your sixteen years, Prince Zuko and Princess Honna, this is the most foolish!" Iroh shouts at us as I look up towards where the bison is and Zuko scopes through the telescope.

"We have no choice Uncle!" Zuko tells Iroh as we keep our eyes trained on the bison. "Have you two forgotten that the Fire Lord banished you? What if you're caught?" Iroh asks us "Iroh, we're chasing the Avatar," I begin "Father will understand why we're returning home," Zuko adds and Iroh crosses his arms "you give him too much credit. My brother is not the understanding type," Iroh adds and I think back to my few memories of the Fire Lord. I wasn't the biggest fan of the guy all things considering, but he had to understand his. 

"Helmsman! Full steam ahead!" Zuko called out "Bring out the catapult," I tell one of the guards "this will slow them down," I say not intending on hitting him. "Couldn't you shoot them down with something a little more fragrant?" Iroh asked I rolled my eyes "If you can find something we'd gladly use it," I answered him. Zuko set the boulder a flame "On my mark." Zuko calls out watching the bison fly above us. "Fire!" He calls as the guard cuts the rope holding the catapult back. The boulder is heading straight forward but they were able to avoid it. 

As the boulder made its way back to the water I saw up ahead "a blockade," I mumble, and Zuko and I both know this isn't good news for us. "Technically, you are still in Earth Kingdom waters. Turn back now and they cannot arrest you two," Iroh explains and I consider it. Getting arrested on my birthday really doesn't sound like the best idea. "He's not turning around," Zuko states eyes remaining upwards towards the bison. "Please, Prince Zuko, if the fire nation captures you two there's nothing I can do. Do not follow the Avatar," Iroh pleaded.

"I'm sorry uncle," Zuko said before shouting "run the blockade!" I stayed silent as I looked out at the blockade. I could see Commander Zhao's ship up ahead, my family, "At least if we're captured I can see my family on my birthday," I joke nearly laughing. Iroh gives me a disapproving look as we continue forward. That's when I saw the wall of flaming boulders coming towards us. "We've got trouble!" I shout as they come down all around us, I felt the ship tremble as we were thrown to the side of the ship. I gripped the side tightly as the ship jostled about "Prince! Princess! The engines are damaged! We need to stop and make repairs!" The helmsman called out to us.

Zuko looked back at me and then towards the blockade "do not stop this ship!" Zuko told the helmsman as he marched his way back up towards the front of the ship. I could hear the ship struggling to continue forward, and I worried as we continued forward. When we approached the blockade the ships stopped to let us pass. We look up at Zhao and I still feel puzzled, what is going on here?

I have big plans for this story! I hope you guys are ready for an emotional rollorcoaster!

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