Almost Relaxing

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The rhino ride back to the ship was quiet except for Zuko's occasional grumbling. I was used to his grumbles by now though and it was easily ignored, when we finally made it back to the ship I was in desperate need of a shower. "While you sulk to Iroh, I'm going to shower. I smell like a hog-monkey," I announce to Zuko as I jump off the rhino Zuko hummed to let me know I was heard and I head onto the ship.

When I got to my room I gather clothes, a towel, and a book to read in the tub. I begin to run the water and even add bubbles, so many that they cover the entirety of the surface. As I settled into the tub I smile and let out a sigh of relief. I think about grabbing my book, but instead, I tilt my head back against the edge of the tub. My eyes close as I do my best to enjoy the serenity of the bath. I let all of the stress and expectations wash away, and before I know it I feel myself slipping to sleep.

I feel peaceful nearly asleep "Honna! Are you in there?" I hear Zuko calls from behind the door. I furrow my brows and sink a little further in the tub hoping he'll go away. "Honna!" I hear his voice rise again, and I grumble slightly under my breath. "I'm in the tub, what do you need?" I quiz trying not to let the frustration seep into my voice. "Dinner is ready," he tells me and I sigh "I assume this means my relaxation has been cut short?" I ask and he's silent for a minute. "I'll have dinner brought to your room in twenty minutes," he announces and without another word, I can hear his footsteps retreating away. 

I sink lower into the tub the water nearly touching my nose. I can feel the water start to turn cold after a few minutes and I debate warming it, but instead step out of the refreshing water. I dry myself and wrap my robe tightly around my figure securing the knot before exiting my bathroom. I see on the bed when I enter a book that I'd never seen before, 'love amongst the dragons' is what the cover read. I find myself smiling at the fact that Zuko had left me a book, I grab the leather bond book and flip open the cover. 

I notice writing across the backside of the cover, 'I found this book, figured I could read it to you' it read and I felt heat rise to my cheek. I shake my head trying to push the blush away, this is Zuko, arrogant, cowardly, Zuko. I sit on my bed for a while lost in my thoughts when a knock pulls me out of the confusion. "Coming," I announce before pulling open the door to reveal Zuko holding out a tray of fish, bread, and hot rice. "Thank you Zuko, I didn't expect it to be you bringing me my food," I told him as I tried to understand his motives. 

"Tch, what's that supposed to mean? I can do something nice," he says basically shoving the food into my hands and I fight the urge to roll my eyes at his returning usual behavior. "I can tell, thank you again," I say dryly trying to retreat into my room. "Ugh! Why do you have to do that!" he shouts at me causing me to feel confused and angry. "Me? What could I have possibly done to upset you?" I ask trying to keep my tone under control. 

"You say you want us to be friends but you won't let me do anything nice for you," he accuses me and I fight back a scoff "Zuko, I did believe you could do something nice, then you have to go acting childish. Expecting me to put you down and think the worst of you," I say furrowing my brow "you do think the worst of me," he says angling his body away from me. I glare at him irritated that as soon as we begin to make progress he has to freak out like always "well whose fault is that," I ask him. I stare at him as he glares at the floor "thank you for the book and for dinner, goodnight prince Zuko," I state before shutting my door. 

Hey Guys! I'm back I hope you enjoyed this chapter and there are more to come so get excited!

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