Nala the Xierxu

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As we ride a admire the speed of the xierxu, I lean slightly and feel Zuko tighten his grip around my waist "What are you doing?" he asks me feeling my movement. "I just wanted to pet the xierxu," I tell him as I continue to lean he secures me making sure I won't fall and I pet the fur of the creature. We stop in the ruins of a city where only an old lady and a fluffy white cat seem to reside. "Out for a bit of fresh air are we?" The elderly woman questions smiling up at us. 

"We're looking for someone," Zuko instructs the woman "I hope it's not Miyuki. Miyuki, did you get in trouble with the Fire Nation again?" The lady asks her cat and I look at Zuko with concern. The cat meows before skirting off "The Avatar's been through here. Let's keep moving," June tells us before she cracks her whip and her pet continues on its path. We enter a village that's lively and beautiful, but the xierxu stops at a single building that seems to be a fortune teller's home. "Why are we stopping?" Zuko asks frustrated at how long our journey is taking. 

"Because the girl must have spent a lot of time here," June clarifies as a woman that I only assume is the fortune teller approaches us. Zuko in his frustration jumps off holding the necklace to the xierxu's nose "May I read your fortune?" the woman asks me and I smile down at her "I'd be honored," I tell her lending her my hand. She looks into it and smiles bitterly "Pain is unavoidable, but you will prosper from it," she tells me and I furrow my brow in confusion. My throat seems to go dry from her words and I rub my throat "Thank you, madam," I tell her as unease settles over me.

"Honna, don't fall for these tricks," Zuko tells me as he settles back behind me. I nod trying to push the fortune out of my head as we set back off. The xierxu burst through the doors of an abbey and my eyes search for any sign of the Avatar or his friends. The xierxu let out a screech and June cracks the whip again "We're getting close," she tells us as we speed off again. We charge down a path through the forest until we're faced with the Avatar's companions, but as I look around I see no sign of the Avatar around. 

Zuko dismounts and confronts the pair "Where is he? Where's the Avatar?" he questions them "We split up he's long gone," the boy told us glaring at Zuko and I furrow my brow "How stupid do you think we are?" I ask and the boy smirks "Pretty stupid, run!" he shouts to the girl as he grabs her arm, but it's useless as the xierxu's tongue shoots out paralyzing both of them. "What are we supposed to do now?" Zuko asks angrily at the results of the search/

"She's seeking out a different scent," June explains as Nala (the xierxu) sniffs the packs of the two captives' backs. A note fell free from one of the packs and Nala picked up the scent quickly. We loaded up the Avatar's friends and we were off toward the scent. The Avatar was ours!

We barreled back through the abbey and Nala began going in a circle "What's it doing? It's just going in a circle!" Zuko asked angrily but as soon as I realized why we were knocked off the back of Nala. June was the first one up, and she quickly remounted her pet, "Honna, come on we can't let him get away!" Zuko called to me as he rushed to his feet. Zuko and I rushed towards the Avatar, but with every move we made he timed perfect counters. Zuko taking the lead came at Aang with a powerful blast met with Aang's own powerful blast of air. We were propelled backward by the explosion that resulted.

I had taken the brute of the fall, Zuko being knocked into me. "Honna, are you okay?" Zuko asked worriedly as I coughed "I'm fine! Don't let him get away!" I told him sternly and he nodded turning to continue the fight against the Avatar. I stood shakily and hopped back down to the ground, and Iroh hurried to my aide. "Honna, are you alright?" Iroh asks as I wobble on my feet "I'll be fine," I tell him as I watch chaos ensue between Zuko and Aang. June and Zuko had teamed up and they seemed to be closing in on Aang, but I saw the shadow begin to come over them. 

"Zuko look out!" I shout to him as a wave of perfume was bent over them.

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