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When Zuko came up behind us Zulma pulled away to bow to the banished prince "Prince Zuko it is an honor," she said to him, Zuko let a rare gentle smile coat his features. He bowed back to Zulma "The pleasure is all mine, and you can call me Zuko. After all, we'll be family," he tells Zulma causing her to blush with school girl nerves. "You're right we will be, Zuko," she says I then notice something around her neck that causes pain to shoot through me. 

"Zulma... Is that a betrothal necklace?" I ask her, I immediately hope that it's not and she hasn't been doomed to my fate. I remember reading in her letters about how she loved the Water Tribe custom of betrothal necklaces and it seemed that father had used that against her. I saw her face dim "I am betrothed... to a highly ranking young soldier, and he made this for me. It's all very new," she tells me feeling nervous treading on the topic. "Was it dad's idea?" I ask knowing there is no point treading around the issue no one here is under the illusion that Zuko and I had any say in our betrothal. She nods "it isn't all bad. He doesn't hit me anymore, now that Runic is around," she tries to make up excuses for our terrible father. 

"Well, we must all find the good in our situations. We only have one life," I tell her returning to my lady-like ways as does she. We link arms and Zuko follows behind us s we continue to walk on "is mother here?" I quiz hoping for a yes missing my quiet gentle mother. "Yes, but she's in town and I'm not sure when she'll be back," she tells me a frown crossing both of our faces. "Go see her. I won't let the boats leave without you my Princess," Zuko tells me brushing hair behind my ear gently, for a second I forget we aren't in love. I hug him tightly "Thank you Zuko. I promise I won't be long and tonight on the ship I'll make my hot cakes for you," I tell him smiling ear from ear.

"Just be careful, and be back before nightfall or I'll send the guards through the city for you," he tells me I lift to my toes to reach his cheek leaving him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading off with Zulma to see my mother.

"For a guy, you pretend to dislike you two get along pretty well," Zulma teases causing me to giggle slightly "it's like I said earlier you have to make the best out of all situations. Zuko has a hard exterior but the prince I knew in the palace wasn't bad. I dare even say he was my friend, but things became complicated after banishment," I explain to my younger sister. "Runic and I are never that gentle to each other even in public. It is mostly just standing close to each other," I look at my sister trying to find the words to say to explain how I wish I could save her from this fate. "How old in Runic?" I ask remembering she said he was a soldier see keeps her eyes on the ground "16... he'll be 17 soon," 

"Why is he so much older than you? That's five years your senior. What was father thinking?" I ask her, she doesn't look at me. I can tell she is trying hard to detach herself from the situation "Our lineage is strong we have two different Fire Avatars in our line, and countless officials and Generals. Runic was doing well as an early recruit and his father has ties, his father Commander Zhao. Naturally, you were their first choice being closer in age, but the Firelord was smart and saw your potential early. So they settled for me," Zulma told me still not looking anywhere near me as we walked. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't carry this burden alone. I never wanted you to have to fall into the same fate," I tell her finally getting her to look into my eyes and I can see tears glistening in the young girls eyes. "Don't apologize after all, what is family for if not to help carry the burden?" she quizzed causing me to smile at her with pity. As terrible as it sounded part of me was happy that she was dealing with this too. I wasn't alone, Zulma no matter how far apart understood the struggles that came along with our bloodline. 

Because in times like these the only ones who understand are family.

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