{Chapter 12}

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Catheline's POV:

Everything felt silent the moment I entered that room. I saw both people, staring at me in surprise. One was my husband, who was watching me with a sense of guilt and the other was the man who supposedly thought I had done something wrong. I sighed before straightening my skirt and stepped forward.

"My Lord," I smiled at William Sunster sarcastically. "I heard you have my pet with you,"

The man let himself smile faintly before curtsying with a small bow. "Your Grace,"

Xander bolted forward and reached my side. He held the most bitter expression. I looked at him before staring at the man standing in front of me.

"I also heard that you have accused me of something," I grimaced, moving forward.

The man simply stared at me before speaking. "I have proof to back up my accusation, Your Grace,"

I glared questioningly but he continued smiling before moving away from the table, displaying a horrid sight. A sight that made my heart stop. A sight that wiped my mind off any other issue. I slowly made myself walk, in a trance, and ignored my husband.

It was a small yellow thing, stained with dark patches of red. It was lying on the cloth, which was also stained by the red substance. When I saw it more clearly, I almost lost all my senses. As if someone had woken me up from sleep, just to pull me back to a nightmare. It was a nightmare. Except, I was not asleep. Which meant that whatever I was seeing...was all real.

It was small. So small...and so quiet. I kept staring at it as if that would make it jump to chirping and moving vigorously. Only a few weeks ago, it was full of life. Tears threatened to spill but I hold them at bay. I slowly raised my hand to touch it, to feel her pulse, to find hope.

But it did not respond.

Her small eyes were closed. Her small fragile body was twisted strangely, revealing the slightest of her small bones.

"The little creature was found in the gardens of my residence," I heard the man say. "Perched near one of the ponds. I saw the small letter tied to its claw. I thought of it as one of my household's but soon realized that it was not,"

My little canary was dead. My longest companion, my sweetest of friend, the own that had stayed with me, for me...The poor creature was thirsty and stopped to drink some water. She was returning to me and was almost back with me again.

No longer...

"The bird is improperly trained and it had the unfortunate to bite me," the man went on, paying no attention to how his words have been used. "I had no choice but to eliminate the demonic creature---"

"Enough!" I shouted, slamming my palms on the desk loudly. They soon turned into fists and I could not stop my tears. One of them fell on Mimy's body, making me sob harder.

"You had no right," I said, my voice shattering into shards. "You had no right to even touch her, to even look at it, William Sunster!"

My voice echoed throughout the room and I twirled around, facing both the men with a blank expression. I wiped my tears furiously before slowly stepping toward the red-haired man. I had to hurt him. Somehow. But I could only use my words.

"I know that you are upset with me," I smiled as best as I could through my tears. "As I took your daughter's place as Queen...The rejection must have hurt you deeply,"

I could see the hidden anger in his eyes. But I did not stop. I wanted to hurt him at this moment and he was lucky that I holding back. I was holding myself back as much as I could. But in truth, my rage knew no bounds.

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