{Chapter 29}

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Catheline's POV:

I and Karra rushed out to see the cause of the commotion. I knew something serious had happened. But I was sprinting faster than her, which made her shout her concerns.

"Your Grace, please slow down!"

I ignored her protests and ran faster. Finally, I reached the audience room and two guards were standing outside.

"Your Grace," they both greeted me with a bow.

"What happened?" I asked them while Karra arrived at the spot as well.

"There has been an issue with one of the maids..."

"Was anyone hurt?"

They exchanged looks. Feeling anxious, I ignored them and pushed the door open. What I saw startled me.

The room consisted of only four individuals. Lady Daraa watching me with strange emotions. She was wearing a long, full-sleeved gown of a dark shade of green.

Xander sitting on a davenport in his nightwear. To my surprise, Nathaniel was on the ground, kneeling with his head hung down and a few feet away from him, was a sobbing woman.


This was one of the most bizarre scenes I had witnessed in my life. I did not know what to pull out of it or to respond to it.

"You have awoken from your slumber too, Your Grace?" Lady Daraa asked me calmly.

Xander lifted his head and looked disturbed. My heart was beating at a rapid pace due to uncertainty and also the fact that I ran.

"What happened?" I asked her softly.

Lady Daraa gave a calm and cold look towards Nathaniel. I looked behind to see Karra, who just stood there with shock all over her face.

"Catheline, come over here," I heard Xander say, making me snap back to reality.

He sounded so tired and yet managed to keep a calm tone. He must have woken up by force. Nevertheless, I followed his order and approached him.

"You seem to be so pale," he said while staring into my eyes. I shook his concern away and sat next to him.

If the situation had not been looking so dire, I would have fussed about his well-being. Karra stood beside Lady Daraa, staring at her friend in terror and confusion.

"What happened?" I asked again while looking at the sobbing Ellen.

She looked at me with a tearful look and immediately burst into speaking.

"I- I just could not keep it a secret anymore!" She cried out. "What has happened to me should never happen to anyone,"

She looked pitiful but I knew better than to trust her. I knew who she was, that she was the one who caused the recent attack and whatever she was to claim was surely a lie.

"Calm down, girl," I heard Xander say, his frustration very much pronounced.

She fell quiet and continued sobbing. A few seconds later, I saw a connection. If everything had to do with her, why was Nathaniel on the floor? All this time, he had his head hung downward. I turned to him.

"Nathaniel, why are you kneeling? What have you done?" I asked him, afraid of what had happened.

Nathaniel never lifted his head but began to speak in a very shaky voice.

"Your Grace, This maid has...accused me of something terrible,"

My eyes widened as I looked back at Ellen, who was eyeing him with immeasurable hatred. "I did not accuse him, Your Grace!" She yelled with a furious look. "I am only telling the truth..."

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