{Chapter 22}

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Narrator's POV:

Somewhere far away from Anthreal, lays a desolate mansion. The structure was large and many parts of it were damaged. Ivy and other sorts of creepers had entwined the mansion at the sides. The windows were unclear and looked unpleasant. Some were even broken. The entire mansion gave such an awful presence. It was enough to ward away normal civilians.

Even then, in between the terror, were people who lived in it. It was not a large residence whatsoever. But it provided the least protection from the sun and the upcoming rains.

In the larger room, was a round table with dark faces seated around it. The room was barely lit and the weather did no help. Only one chair was unoccupied and people were conversing loudly.

"Our plans have been ruined again!"

"We lost Duke Sunster. What a shame...He was such a valuable asset,"

"He knew the consequences of acting without the Lord's knowledge. Now he had paid the price,"

"That boy is not a predictable individual. He knows how to act."

Suddenly, the door behind them made them alert. All of them stood up as a tall man walked from the shadows. He was donning dark-shaded clothes and could have merged with the shadows if he was not moving. He had a smile but it was as unpleasant as the mansion they were gathered in.

"A fine morning, gentlemen," He said in a deep and startling voice. Even if he had a smile on his face, that was enough to scare a tiger.

"Lord Simion, we have news to deliver." One man spoke in a trembling voice.

"I do not expect any bad news. Today is a joyful day for me," The man replied and sat down. He signaled for everyone else to be seated.

"Oh, please enlighten us, My Lord," One man said while resuming his seat. The others did the same, seeing that the coast was clear.

"Ah. Today is the day I killed my brother and his wife," The man said, not bothered by what he said.

All the people present there stayed silent. They knew better than to speak. One man cleared his throat, hoping that something could interrupt the uncomfortable silence. But no one responded.

"Such a shame. If I had killed their son on the same day, we would not be here at all." Elest Simion said with a bored expression.

"My lord-"

"Mind your every single word, Lord Alion." Elest Simion interrupted.

Lord Alion gulped and started speaking again. Even if his voice was soft and kind like a loved one, he knew it was far from it. Between the grass, was a venomous snake ready to strike him. He had to choose his words carefully.

"My Lord...we have not been executing any major attacks on your nephew. And it seems that he has not responded it to either," he said in a hesitant tone.

"He is being cautious." another man suggested. "This is his first significant event as a King," 

"I agree," another spoke slowly. "Anthreal had not faced war for nearly three decades,"

"Anthreal has been out of your reach for seventeen long years, My Lord," One responded.

"General Antony," The mysterious man responded lazily. "Say something, would you?"

Everyone looked at the man he called out for. General Antony was a distant foreign warlord who was bought over by Elest Simion a few months ago. He never spoke much and preferred to stay quiet. But his capability on the battlefield was not to be questioned.

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