{Chapter 34}

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Catheline's POV:

The morning sky was clouded as it rained a few days ago. Even if it was nearly the time of rainfall, it felt as if it was winter. The gardens were soaking from the downpour which had fallen last night.

Today was the day Xander returned to the capital. I realized that I had been quite down in his absence. It felt as if a part of me had been gone. And now, it would soon be back with me.

By the time I came out of my chambers, the sun began to shine brightly in the sky. There were some clouds passed across it occasionally, blocking the sun's rays.

I rushed off to see whether my husband had returned. Unable to control my excitement, I began running faster than I should.

"Your Grace, you mustn't run!" Karra yelled, trailing after me.

I didn't bother answering back. Even Karra knew how eager I was for today. When we reached the entrance to the gardens, we were met with a scene that made me stop in my tracks.

"What is the meaning of this, Nathaniel!?"

"Please understand, Madam Daraa. He doesn't want to see anyone..."

I stood there, rooted to the spot, listening to the two people argue. What was going on? Was Xander alright? Dread began to crawl under my skin, causing me to approach the two. Lady Daraa turned around suddenly, causing me to stop again. This time, both of them were looking at me.

"Your Grace---"

"What happened?"

Lady Daraa and Nathaniel exchanged uneasy glances. The anticipation in the air was so thick that it could have been cut down by a sword.

"Nathaniel, what happened?" I asked, directing the question to him. He gave me a surprised expression and took a deep breath.

"Your Grace...The King doesn't wish to see anyone now,"

I froze. What? "And why is that?" I questioned him further. This time, the concern in my voice was audible.

"He and Duke Daven talked before he died... It must be because of that conversation. He has been like that all through the travel."

I stood there for a few moments. This seemed very unlikely of Xander. Even if he was upset, he would never shut everyone away from him like this. It must only mean that what Xander heard, made him truly upset. I turned around my heels and rushed towards his chambers.

I couldn't let him do this.

I arrived at the doors. All I had to do was a simple knock. Yet, I hesitated. Would he respond to me when he specifically ordered Nathaniel to not allow anyone to see him? Was I important enough for him to exclude me from that order? I was about to find it out. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door. There was no response.

"Xander?..." I called him out. There was yet no response.

All my hopes suddenly evaporated like they were nothing. But they still stuck me to the door as I stared at them with blank eyes, wishing that they would open for me. But soon, I heard a voice.

"Please leave me alone."

"How could I?" I leaned my ear against the door. "Are you alright?"

A pause. "No."

Narrator's POV:

Everyone in the mansion was on high alert that day. A messenger had just arrived, rushing through the halls in a hurry. He approached a door, where there were two guards, stationed outside the door.

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