{Chapter 58}

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Xander's POV:

She is so beautiful.

I spent almost half an hour, sitting there and just holding Catheline's hand. I was happy to wake up early because I could just have time to spend both in silence and with her.

She slept peacefully and did not show any signs that she might wake up any time soon. Occasionally, my mind brings back the memories of last night and what we had done.

I was the one who wanted to stop and she was the one who did not wish to.

I put my palm on my head, trying my best to not blush. Kissing her was quite remarkable, especially the way I did last night. I pleaded with her to take a rest, reminding her that it was already late at night. At last, she agreed and held my arm as tight as she could.

Many a time, I imagined how life would be if we were are harmony from the very beginning. But Catheline's utterances changed my mind.

"From now on, I want us to only move forward and never look backward again,"

I intended to keep that promise. I would never let her down. I will not let go of this chance.

The sudden abruptness of the loud voices pulled my awareness back to reality.

"You stupid girl! The King is here-"

"But! I picked some worms from the soil for the Queen's pet!"

"You have such a pointless argument!"

I sighed and placed my wife's hand carefully on the bed. If they dare to wake her up, I will lose my well-kept temper. Slowly, I made myself to the door. When I opened it, the two people immediately stood quiet.

"Come in," I told Karra and moved for her.

The maid bowed nervously before entering the room. I looked at Nathaniel who held a rolled letter in his hands. I tensed up at the sight of it.

"I apologize for being too loud," Nathaniel told me. "The girl was-"

"Where is that from?" I interrupted, pointing at the letter.

He stopped and quickly handed it over to me. It was tied up with a simple thin rope.

"The City's defense?" I asked, removing the rope.

Nathaniel nodded and my eyes fell back on the paper. After I read it, I felt a turmoil of emotions.

"They requested me to see overall arrangements," I voiced out. "Giving the outline of the city, it might take days," 

"That should be right, Your Majesty," Nathaniel answered briefly. "The last time we went there, we oversaw only some of the arrangements,"

I silently rolled up the paper and stared into the distance. I have no wish to leave for so many days. The main reason was...

"Catheline would be livid if I tell her about this," I told him and looked at him.

He was looking at one particular place before he realized that I was looking at him. I gave him a questioning look before he finally smiled nervously.

"What is that look for?" I asked calmly.

His smile fell and he began circling an area on his neck with his finger. For a moment, I did not understand what he was trying to say. And seemed to have no intention of using words. But then, it hit me.

I quickly placed a hand on my neck and felt my face reddening. Things that she could do to me.

"Is it obvious or not?" I asked him swiftly.

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