Lasting memories

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The sun shines through a bedroom window. Slim hues of light filtering through the transparent drapes that hung on its frame. Two boys sit on the floor of the room. Despite the gloomy atmosphere surrounding them, the scene is still familiar and domestic. Posters of the number one hero All Might, in all his smiling, muscular glory resides on every wall in the bedroom. "Kacchan" The shorter between the two whispers to the blonde in front of him, voice cracking. "I don't want them to take me away." His green hair sways as he drops his head into his knees. Arms coming up to hug his legs tightly.

It's been three years since that fateful day in the doctor's office. The day he was diagnosed as Quirkless. As if it was some sort of disease to be different. To not be a part of the 80% who had quirks. The 80% who had powers and therefore were on top of society's food chain.

Instead, he belonged to the 20% who didn't have quirks. The worthless minority.

Since then, his life was turned upside down. His classmates ignored him, some even going to the lengths of bullying him. In the eyes of everyone and society itself, he was nothing more than a worthless, useless entity. A waste of space and provisions. Nothing but a burden.

The only people who stood by him were his mother and the Bakugou family. It warmed his heart when his best friend didn't turn his back on him. When, despite everything, the boy chose to protect him.

It wasn't always like that though. At first, the blonde had reacted like everyone else. The moment he was declared quirkless, he was looked down upon. Yet, his analytical skills and intelligence had garnered the boy's attention. Effectively giving them a chance to move forward and be friends despite the prejudice surrounding his kind.

They'd been watching a movie in the living room when it happened. His mom and Aunt Mitsuki were having coffee in the kitchen. The bell rings, breaking the domestic atmosphere they had garnered. A man shows up at their doorstep, followed by a group of men stand a few steps behind him. Postures rigidly straight, and arms clasped behind their backs.

All of them are wearing uniforms. Military, Izuku's mind supplies, having seen many documentaries about the subject.

He doesn't hear everything they say, but from what he could make out. They were talking about him. About taking him away from here. They wanted to take him away from his mom. The only family he had.

His mom immediately told them to go up to his room. Not wanting him to be anywhere near that man. Hesitantly complying, they'd shut themselves in the small bedroom upstairs.

"I want to stay here so we can be heroes together!" Izuku declares, finally making eye contact with fiery red. A few tears slipping past his eyes as he hastily moves to wipe them.

Bakugou is quiet, too quiet for the usually explosive boy Izuku knows his best friend to be. His fists are clenched in a white-knuckled grip at his sides. Arms shaking slightly in frustration. "They won't." The blonde states firmly. "I won't let them." He says with all the menacing anger, a seven-year-old can muster. "I- I'll fight them." There it is, Izuku thinks. The undying determination to always win. To always be the best. It one of the reasons why he admires his best friend so much.

Kacchan's going to be a really good hero. He thinks quietly to himself as he looks at the boy in front of him. His eyes shining with wonder and pride.

Nodding his head resolutely, he's determined to be just as resilient. He'll be strong no matter what. He owes it to his mom and Kacchan.

Their moment is interrupted as shouting is heard coming from downstairs. Izuku's whole body freezes in fear as he hears what sounds like aunt Mitsuki shouting and his mom's sobbing.

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