weaving into your web

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The rest of the weekend spent at the Aizawa-Yamada residence was thankfully uneventful. By that, Izuku meant that he avoided any meaningful interaction with the other two. Coming out of the guest room only when specifically asked to, eating in relative silence before slipping back into the solitude of the bubble he has secluded himself in. His eyes were framed by dark bruises, evidence of his continuous lack of sleep. After the episode he'd had the day before, there was no way he was going to allow himself another moment of weakness.

Monday finally dawned, Izuku was already more than ready to get out of this place, even if it meant going to school instead.

He could feel some sort of tension hanging in the air as he greeted the two heroes that morning. They both appeared to want to discuss something but seemed reluctant to do so. He wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth though.

It wasn't until they were in the car, finally pulling up to UA's gates that Eraserhead spoke.

"Are you sure that your father will be home by the time school's out?" He regarded the man quietly at that, wondering if it was normal for children to be that fretted over. Tilting his head to the side, he tried to sound as normal as possible.

"Yes, Aizawa-san, if everything goes according to plan, then he'll be home in a few hours." Or at least, that's what the General had ordered him to say. They didn't need to know that, however.

"Good, I'll be driving you home, so wait for me by the gates at the end of the day, alright?" That made him pause, what was Aizawa's plan here? Did he want to make sure that he was telling the truth?

"That's unnecessary," He countered cautiously. "I can walk." He's been doing it since the start of term, after all. What changed?

"It's not negotiable, problem child, I want to talk to your father anyway." He could feel his mind go blank, what was he supposed to say to that?

"Understood." He agreed, knowing that arguing any more would only draw unwanted suspicion. He'd just have to send a warning to the General. He would have to pay for the oversight later, but for now, the Dragon would know what to do. With that, he opened the car door, exiting the vehicle before any more conversation could take place. His neck prickles at the blatant disrespect but he marched on.

The door to class 1-C was a welcome sight as he crossed its threshold. He found his seat easily, ignoring any gaze drawn his way as he sat down, Mic, was just a few steps behind him as they had gotten out of the car together.

The lesson started without much fanfare, the teacher shooting him a couple of strange gazes throughout the lecture. He couldn't quite place the meaning behind the expression.

"Hey," A familiar voice called, turning to face him. "Are you..." He seemed to gather his thoughts for a moment as if searching for the correct words. "Are you okay? I mean, of course you weren't but-" Shinsou faltered. "What I'm trying to say is, sorry, I guess. I didn't mean for you to get hurt, and I'm not really sure what happened." He finished, his face earnest in his apology. Izuku supposes that if he were anyone else, he would have been touched. As it stood, the words didn't do much to move him.

"Okay." He said, and at the odd look he got in return, he continued. "I accept your apology." That's how normal people were supposed to react, right?

He was saved from any further interaction quite ironically, by the bell. Packing his meager belongings, he didn't waste any time exiting the room. Debating the advantages of going to the lunch room, he turned and headed in the opposite direction. Following a winding staircase that leads to the levels above, he soon found himself standing in front of the rooftop entrance. An electrical lock secured the door but no cameras were in sight. He supposes even schools as great as UA had to have some security blind spots. He'd have to come back another day and set up one of his own. Protecting this school was somewhat on his list of orders, after all.

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