{1} Reborn?

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Author's note at the end

Comments are appreciated



Wei Wuxian snaps his eyes wide open. The familiar lotus scent hits his nose as soon as he wakes up. He can see the familiar wood ceiling with purple colors.

Isn't this my room back in Lotus Pier?

The boy in black and red sits down on his wooden bed and immediately looks for ChenQing.

Where's my ChenQing?

He looks around.

Suibian leaning on his bed frame,

A window with a lotus lake view,

Sound of blades crashing that seems to come from the training ground.

"That's weird. Didn't Lotus Pier go up in flame and Jiang Cheng rebuild it? " He murmurs to himself.

"WEI WUXIAN, WAKE UP! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" Angry and agitated stomps can be heard outside of Wei Wuxian's room and it's coming closer and closer.

"WEI WUXIAN!" Jiang Wanyin yelled as he slams the door to Wei Wuxian's room open.

Wei Wuxian immediately snaps out of his daydreaming and faces the young master of the Jiang sect.

"Jiang Cheng? It's still morning in what goddamn hour, let me go back to sleep." Wei Wuxian replied.

"WHAT MORNING! The sun is UP! Have you already forgotten that we must go to Cloud Recesses IMMEDIATELY? Do you want to bring our sect shame IN FRONT OF THE LANS?" the boy in purple angrily.

With that statement, Wei Wuxian freezes.

Wh- what?! The study in Cloud Recesses happened when I was 15 or 16 years old and that- that's-


Jiang Wanyin is confused about his ShiXiong who only seems to be staring into the wall in front of him with a mix of confusion, fascination, happiness, sadness, and guilt. Tons of sadness and guilt, Jiang Wanyin noting himself.

On the other hand, Wei Wuxian is confused about his situation.

Is this a dream?

Was that seem like a lifetime nightmare was the dream?

Or is it this young, naive, and cheerful life is the dream?

"Wei Wuxian?" Jiang Wanyin asks quietly. He is lost and doesn't know what to do when facing his weirdly-behaved ShiXiong.

Wei Wuxian turns his head and faces Jiang Wanyin. Tears struck down his face. Wei Wuxian immediately wipes it out from his face.

Putting on a cheerful facade, he greets his ShiDi, "Jiang Cheng! I know you care and are worried about me!"

[DISCONTINUED] Now Different Lives I LeadWhere stories live. Discover now