Naked Prayer:I can't control this desire!

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Real talk,you are welcoming this thought.The fact that it is forbidden,it makes it more exciting.You want to feel the rain and get wet.After that, boom! Pure bliss,and you will do whatever it takes to feel it again.

Considering that you repent after it,I mean if you are a practicing Muslim but also engaging on it.So after you pray, you will do it.And you will say I will ask for forgiveness after this. But admit it you feel dirty.You go to your prayer mat,you are trying to concentrate but you couldn't. Aside from feeling dirty,you should also feel shame because you are still carrying your dirty thoughts to your prayer.

You are in front of your creator but you are under the whisper of shaitan.The punishment is even unimaginable . You are stripping your mind in front of your Lord. Are you ready to allow the fire to strip slowly your soul and body,and burn your skin repeatedly? How many minutes you do your salah? 5 minutes? You strip in front of your lord for five minutes , but the hell fire will strip you for eternity.If you are struggling to focus in your prayer,repeat it many times,do wudhu many times. Even if you are a “lustful person” now or you become the woman of desire,don't break your tie with your Lord.

Even if you feel dirty now,still cling to prayer.

Even if you are confuse now, still make dua'-a.

Not breaking the bond with your creator could pull you out from your dirty misery.
Cling to Allah,
yearn for Allah,
ask him to help you,
he is great,greater than your desire.He will forgive you no matter how dirty you are, as long as you ask,you plead for his forgiveness,he will forgive.

The sad part is what if you die while committing this act? What if your Lord takes away your soul while you are in a state of this pure bliss? You regret that you didn't use your time to repent,because you thought you had the luxury of time to ask for his mercy.He will stop giving you mercy after he will command the Malakal Maut to take your soul. If you thought you still have time to repent you are wrong.Future is not promised to us.Remember what our beloved Rasul said to us?,he told us to live like a traveler,that when we wake up in the morning,we should not expect to live in the afternoon.And this is true,some people are still alive in the morning but dead in the next hour.

The Walking Sinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें