Naked Rest: Rest In Peace

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"Be Hard on Yourself"

Have you heard someone tell you this? Or have you heard this quote before? Telling you that sometimes you need to be hard on yourself to get what you deserve. It is like  to study smarter and harder to get your dreams.

Being hard on yourself is to put her into work,to make her productive. In Islam to busy yourself with akhirat . We all desire free time, because free time means to rest. But nowadays our definition of free time is not to lose ourselves from workload or from anxiety but being unchained from  productivity or worse to silence the demand of our soul and hear the noise of the world.

Free time or rest means now is to lay down for hours while looking at the forbidden things inside our mobile phones. The fitnah, the innapropriate contents,the barren topics,the finding of inferiority on someone,etc. This is how we use our free time. Today we just want to rest our body but not our mind and soul. We just paralyze our human bodies but our souls are still restless.

Yes .. we crave for rest because we think we are really going to rest when our day off will come,but the hidden truth there is we are just going to waste our time.

Give your eyes a true rest,sleep early and wake up early for fajr. Give your mind a true rest read Qur'an and understand your duties as a practicing Muslim. Give your mouth a true rest,avoid malicious gossip and practice your tongue  to say "Astagfirullah" with full of sincerity.

Send yourself to Islamic school to wipe out your ignorance in your faith. Deprive yourself  the liberty to open the useless,sinful,satanic social media apps(if not being used for a good purpose). Stay away from things that lure you to see bad things. Stay away from things that made you question "how to fight the urge?".

Be hard on yourself so that when you rest in peace you can attain the true rest in the akhirat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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