Naked Ending: One for All,All for One

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How many books do you need to read before you can satisfy your dangerous craving?

Are you an author or a reader of s*x stuff?

What is usually your ending or the ending?

Does love prevail or the lust?

Does the girl end up with a happy ending or regrets?

It's crazy to think that we focused with explicit content and not with the lesson.

The sad reality of being a famous erotic writer is more followers means more responsibilities. Some authors write to give lessons, some write to give poison. Some writers can give clarity, some can bring insanity. Good writing can inspire, and dirty writing can destroy. Which is which?.. Are you a sexy writer? Are you a lustful reader?

As stated in the Qur'an "whoever errs only errs against his soul, and no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another". (see al-Isra 17/15) . You are responsible for the story you read, and you are responsible for the story you write.

Qabil the first murderer, the one who murdered his brother because of envy ,now for every murder committed he would take a share with this sin.Did you get the concept? Of course, you did, you are intelligent to understand what I am trying to convey.

Considering that the hereafter isn't true, the punishment for writing dirty stuff will not take place and the people who followed you and are aroused by you will just decompose and will be back to soil. And that's the end, not a bad ending, no punishment happened. But .what if when you proceed to the grave your soul will be back to your body and then pow! You get resurrected, after the final sleep you will be living in the eternal world.

The Simple rule of Allah, if you planted a good seed, you will be enjoying the good fruit forever. If you planted a bad seed, you will harvest nothing because your seed didn't grow. Read wisely, the time today will not compensate for tomorrow. No assurance that your bed tomorrow will still be the soft foam, who knows, it might be the hard soil. Love, read the right BOOK. Sexual temptation is hard to control, but I know you can do it. Always remember this word "RESTRAINT".

I will just leave it here for you to ponder:

The point of an erotic book is to help you gain sexual gratification by imagining that you are looking at other humans having sex. It is pornography without pictures, and everything that applies to pornography applies to it. Taking pleasure in erotica is a disguised form of voyeurism.

Voyeurism is evil because it is a violation of the sanctity of the human. In voyeurism a person takes pleasure in only part of a human; a full human is a subject who can look back at you, who is free and who is honored by God. But the human that is the object of voyeurism is a human that is cut apart; we are no longer interested in their souls but only in their bodies and their physical sensations.


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