Shirou....Just Shirou

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      Growing up in the undercity isn't ideal for anyone and not something I would wish on any of my enemies, if I had any, but you get used to it and that's not a good thing considering the harsh conditions. Anyways I'm getting off track, in a place like this you wanna not be by yourself, if that makes sense, it just makes everything ten times more difficult, so instead you might want to get connections or even just friends to help.

"Which is why I followed you down this dark and creepy ally without you knowing" he finished, talking to a pink haired girl who was staring confusedly at him. "Alright, and what exactly is it you want." was the only response he got from her. "Did you, did you not listen to anything I just said?" he questioned. "No, as a matter of fact I did not listen to your little story you decided to tell." she answered. "I wanna join your group that you got going on." he said excitedly.

Staring at the young brown-haired boy in front of her she eventually caved "come on, tell me about yourself and I'll think about it on the way." hurriedly rushing up next to her he followed her on the now casual walk back to their heading, the last drop, a popular bar in the undercity.

"So, what'd you wanna know about me" he excitedly asked her making her suddenly stop in her tracks. "Hold on," she said "how do you know who I hang around with." she asked with suspicion. "Oh, haha, you know you hear a couple things around" he nervously responded. Totally didn't follow you around for a couple of weeks. Still suspicious of him she slowly says "sure, whatever you say kid. Anyways what exactly makes you think we will just let you join us" she questions

"Well, I'm an illusionist" he answered confidently. "An illusionist" she repeated, receiving a chipper "That's what I said". "So what, you can do card tricks" was the only thing she could think of. She looked down at him noticing the insulted face of the brown-haired child. "No I don't play with cards!", "Well then what do you do, mister illusionist" she shot back looking forward once again.

"I'll, I'll just show you." he told her. Noticing a faint grey light, she stopped slowly turning her head "show me what?" only to come face to face with. Herself. Staring in shock, directly into her own blue eyes she slowly said "what the hell" before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she passed out right there on the floor.

Staring at her for a couple more seconds before noticing she wasn't getting up, he quickly dropped the illusion and started to pace trying to think of what to do. He had two options; wait around until she wakes up and continue on or carry her to the last drop himself. He would've waited, but to him, being stuck in the lanes with an unconscious girl and a seven- or eight-year-old child didn't sound like the best option.

With a lot of difficulty, he had managed to get her on his back and started to walk. Now she wasn't heavy or anything of the sorts it's just that he's younger and she's older than him, it really isn't the best of situations that you would want to find yourself in.

Putting an illusion on himself and the girl he is carrying, he made themselves look like a single person, he then began his slow journey to the last drop, the place they were originally going before she passed out. Walking felt a lot more difficult to what it usually is, although that makes sense.

After a longish while of walking he came face to face with a door and a lot of noise, looking up he saw a neon orange sign that said 'the last drop' knowing he was at the right place he gained a confident smile before pushing the door open with his head. Now to everyone else this looked like an everyday occurrence mainly because to them it was a twenty something year old man that had just walked into the last drop.

Walking up to the barkeep he asked "You wouldn't happen to know a pink haired girl would you?" straightening up he almost immediately asked with a bit of hostility "Now why exactly would you want to know." He stared at the man behind the bar before noticing how quiet it had suddenly gotten, looking around he noticed all of the people at the bar were staring at him before looking back at the man in front of him. before he could respond the man adds "careful with what you say next."

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