The Base Violence Necessary for Change - Part 2

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             I love Powder with every fibre of my being, but admittedly she was a bit unstable, at least at this point in time it was only a bit. Not enough to be noticed right away but just enough to see it if you look hard enough. This was the first time I'd ever seen her break down. I guess every other time she just held it in, or maybe I just wasn't there to see it, but unfortunately I'll never know. When she was like this she was..... Difficult, in a sense. She didn't seem to listen to anything to caught up in whatever was going on for her. Luckily the first one I dealt with went way to smoothly.

It had been around 20 minutes now since Vi and the other two left for the docks, so far so good. Powder was on her bed and Shirou was half asleep on the couch, not a care in the world. And that's when he heard it, a faint cry coming from Powder, so quiet he almost missed it. 

Slowly sitting up he looked over the couch and in her direction. She was sat down in front of her now opened case filled with all her equipment and her stuffed bunny. Her knees up to her chest, a monkey with a crank on it's back in one hand and the other being used to wipe away her never ending tears. She really was a mess.

Shirou didn't know what to do, he was caught in a stunned silence. Only reacting when the head of the monkey came flying past him, courtesy of Powder. An idea came to him just then, looking around he laid his eyes on the most crucial part of his plan. Walking over he slowly and carefully picked up Krug trying to not wake him up. He was gonna make things go smoothly.

Walking over to Powder he put Krug down in front of her, almost immediately she reached down and grabbed Krug putting him into a bear hug. Breathing a sigh of relief he thought "Alright step one done" Looking at the still crying Powder he continued "Now onto step two".

Climbing onto the bed he slowly shuffled up behind her. Spreading his arms he gave her a tight hug from behind and she sunk into it right away. Her head on his chest, crying heavily as she held Krug in her arms. 

"You wanna talk---", Not even a chance to finish she began talking. "How could she leave me here!!", "Alright straight to it" talking to her calmly he responded "Well, have you maybe thought how Vi is feeling right now" Taking deep breaths she tried to calm herself down, if only just a bit. Her tears dropping and landing on Krug making him shake every so often.

"What, Do you Mean?". Talking Slowly he began "Well, she just watched Benzo get killed by god knows what, Vander got taken by it as well and now her little sister. The only thing she has left wants to go with her on a dangerous mission to hopefully get Vander back."

"Would you let her come with if you were in her shoes?" She looked up at him, almost completely calmed now just a quiet sniffle every now and again. Looking back down at the Krug in her arms she quietly answered "No". "See, now all we have to do is wait here for the others to come back with Vander"

Not getting a response he looked down towards Powder to see her staring intently towards the Blue crystals in her case. Shaking her a little he asked "Powder, you ok" Snapping out of it she looked up at him "Oh, yeah I'm fine" followed by even more silence.

"Do you think we can check on them, just in and out, see how they're doing". "Powder, you know we can't do that, Vi said we have to stay here.", "Please, we don't even have to go in, just look through a window or something." Looking down at the hopeful look on her face, he caved.

"Fine but no going in just stay outside" Letting go of Krug she turned around and hugged Shirou back tightly. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, I won't let you down". Getting up he began walking for the door. Reaching it and opening it, he stood in the open doorway, waiting for Powder to reach him. 

But she asked him one more question before they left "Can I bring my stuff with me". A question that Shirou didn't realise at that point, but it would solidify the upcoming fate of the city of Zaun.

Sorry for the short chapter but I was working off a short scene. I think I did good but u guys let me know what you think.

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