Welcome To The Playground - Part 2

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             Have you ever heard of Murphy's law. It states that, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Now people would tell you that it's not good to think like that, and I would have to agree, but when you're being propelled out a two story building because of a blue explosion that came out of seemingly no where, you start to think, 'maybe it's true'. I mean this heist had been the smoothest one we've had in a while and suddenly out of no where everything goes to shit, just like, I mean, how does something like this even happen. You're probably wondering how it all got to this, well I couldn't explain the explosion to you cause I still don't know how that happened, I have a hunch though, but to get to this point exactly. we would have to pick up from where we left off. 

The group still traversing the rooftops, are currently hugged up against a blue slanted roof shuffling along  with caution, Clagger, being anxious of the consequences if they were to get caught asked "What if Vander finds out we're all the way up here". "Look around you, you really think anyone topsides going hungry." was her quick response "besides, this is exactly the sort of job Vander would've pulled when he was our age". By all means her logic was sound, as long as they were quick, in and out, got a good haul, Vander wouldn't mind. At least that's how she thought it would go.

Reaching the corner of the roof she stopped making the group stop as well. Looking over the edge and then back at them she spoke her mind "I'm going, are you with me, or not." Getting Clagger to look at her then back to Mylo who just shrugged his shoulders. "Vanders gonna kill us" was Claggers answer which to her meant he was in "Yeah, only if we screw up" she started sarcastically "so don't screw up" she finished with a serious tone, before walking over the edge, getting a grip on the edge of the and swing herself onto the balcony where she found her footing on the railing. Carefully dropping down onto the balcony she looked around, seeing the coast was clear she slowly walked up to the door and taking a quick scan of the inside, not seeing much she quietly ran over to the nearest window to get a different angle of the place. finally seeing that no-one was home she walked back over to the door and called up to the others.

"All clear" almost immediately Mylo's lower half started dangling down, his legs swing trying to find the railing, finally finding it he swung down and hopped straight onto the balcony, walked up to the door and pulled the handle, the door didn't open making him sigh "Who locks their balcony" falling down on one knee and pulling out a lockpick he starts to work on it. Powder being the next one down getting help from both Clagger and Vi, she stood next to her sister and waited, up next was Clagger grabbing the edge and swinging straight onto the balcony completely disregarding the rail, Turning around, releasing a breath of surprise, and looking over the edge he said "There's tones of enforcers down there", "Means we're in the right place" was Vi's response. "Hey, where's Shirou" Powder said, noticing the lack of said person, causing Clagger to look at her "I thought he was down here. He wasn't up there when I wa--"

He couldn't finish as he was interrupted by Mylo yelping and falling backwards in shock making the other three looking over at him seeing him on the floor then over to the door getting three different reactions, Powder laughed, Vi looked confused and Clagger was down right shocked. The cause of this you might be wondering was non other than Shirou. Inside the building his face pushed up against the glass door with a goofy smile on his face. Clagger, being the first to get out of his shock asked "How is he in there". "Oh I'm not, I just wanted to mess with Mylo" answered Shirou who was now standing right next to him making them all jump in surprise. Vi getting out of her stupor looked over to see Mylo still on the floor with his hand on his chest.

Shaking her head she walked over to the door and kicked it open, breaking the lock and sauntering on in. looking at all of them walk in Mylo stared and under his breath muttered "Animals". A hand was put out open in front of him he looked up and saw Shirou offering him his hand, staring at it for a bit longer he begrudgingly took his hand and let him pull him up "Thanks" he quietly said to Shirou getting a nod from him. They may not see eye to eye all the time but they gotta look out for each other if they want to survive in this forsaken world.

Walking in they all stopped at the entrance and looked around, there was so much to take in, piles of notes on every desk, a chalk board filled up to every corner with problems, shelves stacked to the brim with books, contraptions littered the room some in pieces some not. Vi walking over to the book shelves, Clagger walking around aimlessly, Shirou heading straight towards the chalk board, and Mylo putting in his two cents of the place "Y'know Clagger, for once you're right. We definitely shouldn't be here". They started picking up random objects that looked to be of any value. Vi looking at the board along with Shirou said "Must be an inventor" getting a nod of the head from Shirou as he continued to stare at the board in awe. Powder looking across the shelves came to a stop at what looked like a small dome "Whoa, I think this is a real valdiani" pushing the top it opened up to reveal what looked like a miniature spinning solar system.

"Oh yeah, what about this" everybody looked over to Mylo watching him strike a pose and turn on a..... nose hair trimmer "That's a nose hair trimmer" came Powders blunt response. Vi putting more items in the bag, looked over to powder and said "Keep an eye out for anything that looks valuable, Powder" taking a pause she continued "before Mylo fills the bag with junk" looking over to Mylo who was using said nose hair trimmer he was showing off earlier. He dropped it and continued on with an bored look on his face. Looking on the desk he noticed some of the papers shaking, moving them aside he saw a blue crystal that was on a triangle based platform.

"Uh... guys" Mylo said leaning over it and Clagger looking over his shoulder, Vi looking from a distance and Shirou started to walk over. All of them missing the crystal glow a bit brighter the closer Shirou got. "Wait Vi, how the hell did we find this place" Mylo being curious brought his finger towards the crystal resulting in it zapping him making him pull his hand away. "It was a tip from little man." she said a bit worried "Little man?" Mylo asked in shock. Little man was a friend of theirs who was around the same age as Powder and Shirou, so to get a tip about a place like this was a bit of a shocker, obviously though his name wasn't little man. "Just leave it" Vi said trying to avoid the topic. "How can someone have so much stuff anyways" Clagger asked and it was a good question unfortunately it had a simple answer "Just get born lucky" Provided to us by none other than Mylo. "And why isn't Shirou looking for anything" Mylo having brought it up made everyone look towards Shirou who was still staring intently towards the board

"I'm trying to figure what whoever lives here was trying to do" everyone went silent, though when a faint noise of footsteps was coming from outside the door causing everyone to stare. Acting quickly Vi looked back at them and whispered "Mylo" understanding what she wanted him to do he grabbed a chair and ran over to the door and shoved the chair under the door handle, barding it. Whilst he did that Vi ran over to the next room "Powder we gotta go" looking at Vi powder heard the muffled "hello, is someone in there" and grabbed the rest of what she had found and ran to her sister. Vi grabbed her sisters hand and ran to the first room seeing Mylo and Clagger at the door holding it open and Shirou struggling to pick up the bag "C'mon Powder we're gonna be ok" pushing her toward the door she helped Shirou by grabbing the bag and starting to leave.

They were almost to the door, about to have a successful heist and go home with tonnes of things to sell. But then everything seemed to move in slow motion. Powder, Clagger and Mylo waiting outside the balcony door for Shirou and  Vi. Vi a slight bit ahead of Shirou, and then, it finally happened, the explosion, just behind the two. Vi got just a bit ahead, enough for her to be out of it's reach, Shirou on the other hand, not so much. Not being heavy at all he was swept off his feet and pushed straight out the balcony door, too fast for the others to realise what had happened to him and suddenly.

Black was all Shirou saw.

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