The Base Violence Necessary for Change - Part 3

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           I used to pick up on all of these things, those subtle changes on someones face, the change in their actions, the way they talked, the way they looked at you. And I somehow missed them all on Powder. She didn't seem at all different when we left, but I guess that was just me not wanting to admit the fact Powder could have been up to something. But I guess taking her to see her sister and dad who could most likely be..... not alive, for a better use of words, wasn't the best idea.

"So which way are we going first" Powder asked, staring over towards Shirou with an excited look on her face. "Well first we gotta get up there" he said pointing towards the roof of a building close to them. Powder looked up to where he was pointing, she was looking up at the second tallest building around them, how was she going to get up there with her stuff.

"Then after that we're gonna look for the cannary" he said as he began walking over to the building "And then what?" Powder asked, "And then, we are going to run, skip and hop our way over there" he answered looking back to her.

From Powders point of view Shirou just stared at the wall for a couple of seconds before running sraight at it. Jumping ontop of an air conditioning unit, he jumped up to an overhanging pipe, grabbing it and swinging forward to a gutter pipe, as he grabbed it he almost swung a little to far which could have made him let go of the pipe but he regained himself quickly, and he once again he began to climb higher, finally reaching the top of the pipe he jumped over to what was left of a metal balcony. He reached up towards the edge of the roof, pulling himself up and he stood and brushed himmself off before looking over and down to Powder who looked at him with awe.

"You get what I did or do you want me to show you again!" he shouted down, she just kept looking up at him before getting a sheepish look on her face, "Do you think you could show me again!" she shouted back up to him. he looked down towards her before taking his path that he took up, back down. The balcony, to the gutter, pushing himself off of the wall from the bottom of the gutter, finally, over to the overhanging pipe swinging himself, landing onto the AC and stepping down and over to Powder.

"So, you want me to do it again or do you want me to put up a trail for you to follow?" he asked her, she looked over to him with a confused expression on her face. "A trail for me to follow?" she asked. "You ready for this?" he answered with a question, a confident look on his face. She gave him an unsure look, but even so she nodded.

She watched with confusion as Shirou closed his eyes and gained a concentrated look, she looked down after noticing a faint grey glow coming from the floor near Shirou, a grey trail leading up to the outdoor AC and up the way Shirou went. She staired in disbelief, this was magic, real life magic, and she was getting a front row seat to it all, even being able to experience it for herself.

"This is crazy" She said, an even bigger look of awe on her face. "It gets better" he said, now wearing a smug smile on his face. A new glow began to appear near Powder, rising and changing into a near perfect copy of herself, except of course the fact that this one glew grey and was see through.

"Heh, Heh, what d'ya, cool isn't it." he said, nudging her whilst looking at her stunned face, although she was currently waving her hand infront of the double. "you're gonna follow glowing Powder up to the roof to make things easier for you." he said catching her attention, "I'll wait down here just incase, then I'll follow you back up." he explained, "You got this Powder." he added, giving her a reassuring smile.

Walking over to the AC she looked up to the roof and spoke to herself "Alright Powder, you got this, he told you so himself." she climbed onto the AC unit and looked back over to Shirou who gave her a double thumbs up and an awkard smile. Looking forward, she was about to jump over to the pipe before hesitating as a grey streak ran past her, the glowing Powder had jumped and perfectly copied what Shirou did earlier, stopping midair, halfway to the gutter pipe. She noticed the closer she got to the jump the further the glowing Powder would move.

Looking up to the roof of the building, down to the glowing Powder that was frozen mid air, then finally over to Shirou, a determined look had gotten onto her face, she was going to help Vi no matter what, and the first step was this wall she had to climb. She stepped back and began to get a running start one step after the other, until finally, she jumped. Reaching her hand out upwards she just narrowly grabbed onto the pipe. And from there on, she followed the glowing Powder all the way to the end, reaching up she grabbed onto the side of the roof and pulled herself up.

Standing up with a triumphant look on her face she threw her hands into the air and screamed with excitement. Pulling himself up and next to Powder he looked at her with a small smile before looking up to the next roof, "Now for the next wall" he said making powder go silent, hands still in the air. Dropping her hands she looked at him with a confused expression "Next wall?" she asked. All he did was point forward, following his finger she looked towards the next building that was taller than the one they were on now.

Dropping her hands she gained a sad expression "~sigh~ fine lets go, do your magic thing again.", "Alright coming up, you wanna go first or should I." for a short while she gained a thoughtful expression, "I'll go first, so catch me if I fall" she said giving him a pointed look. "As you wish milady" he said with a playful bow and a twirl of his hand. "Why thank you good sir" she said matching his amount of playfulness.

About to cast another illsuion for Powder something caught his attention. He stopped and looked around the corner of the building, he noticed a fire escape that went all the way from the floor to the top of the building they were trying to get to. looking back to Powder who was looking back over the edge just come from with a small smile on her face. Turning back around he went back to where he originally was and continued with what he was doing.

"There you go Powder one trail and a glowing you to follow to go with it." looking over to him, she walked over and looked at the wall, "You sure I can climb this?" she asked, "Of course you can, but Vi hears nothing of this alright. We never left the bar." he said, a stern look on his face. "Alright, alright, Vi doesn't have to know" she said throwing her hands up in a mock surrender.

"Anyways, up you go, we gotta make this quick don't know how long it's gonna take for them to get Vander." she nodded and up she went, straight to the top of the roof, following the glowing Powder flawlessly. 'She learns quick' he thought as he watched her get all giddy as she stood on top of the roof.

Running directly towards the wall he followed in her footsteps, climbing up the wall with relative ease and in little time. Making it to the top he looked all around him, going over to each side individualy to look for the cannary, he checked all sides before finding it on his last attempt "Ofcourse it's on the last side i check" he grumbled. Turning around he looked Powder in the eyes "Well then Powder, we have our heading"

I genuinley, that just looks wrong to spell, genuinley, it can't just be me right, that looks wrong. Anyways i didn't expect to get 1k reads on this, to be honest i didn't expect to get any at all, so thanks for reading this far and i hope you're enjoying it.

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