The Base Violence Necassery for Change - Part 4

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I didn't really know what to expect when we would get there. Would Vi and Vander be ok, would they be hurt, or, and I hoped this wasn't the case, but what if they had been killed. And unforunately not all things go as you want, but learning this at an early age was probably for the best. Although what it did to Powder, I wish I could just go back and help her. I mean she was broken, but she wasn't so broken she couldn't be repaird, but she never will be the same, and i guess thats a good thing. It might sound crazy, but, we can't be kids forever.

There was a forboding feeling in the air covering the city of Zaun, grey clouds covered the usually dull sky. Two areas of Zaun are our main focus's of attention. The old Cannery that houses, i guess you can call him a mob boss, Silco. An old friend turned rival of Vander's. This also happens to be the place where Vander is being held, and where Vi and the others are headed.

On an un-named building the quiet taps of two pairs of feet can be heared. The owners, a blue haired girl, and a brown haired boy that wore a tattered hooded poncho. The two headed to the same place but with different goals in mind.

One wanting to help the other check on her sister, and the other wanting to help said sister no matter what is needed to be done. Although this was the problem, she didn't want to have to do anything, she just wanted Vi to be safe, and it clearly showed on her face.

Shirou noticed the way Powder seemed to lag behind a bit and looked back at her, he saw the look of worry on her face and decided to ask her about it. "Hey Pow, you doing good back there?" Powder looked over to Shirou, "What if Vi's not ok?" she asked.

Slowing down, Shirou came to a stop in the middle of a building. Holding out his arm he stoppped Powder from going any further. Grabbing her shoulders he held her still "Listen, Vi might be ok, she might not, we won't know how Vi is doing until we get there and check it out. Ok." he said, getting a shy nod from Powder. "And if it comes to it, <sigh> I'll try to help her out."

"Thanks Shirou. Let's hope you don't have to." she said, a hopeful look now on her face. "So come on, don't know how long they're gonna be there for." letting go of her he walked towards the edge of the building and began jumping and running towards the old Cannery once more.


Looking down over the old Cannery, crouched on top of the nearest building, was Shirou, Powder stood next to him. Looking around for an entrance to the building he took notice of how quiet and empty the place was. Not a person in sight, nor a whisper of guards. Nothing. You would expect more from the base of a mob boss and the Prison of Vander.... But there was nothing.

"You think they're in there?" Powder asked, also looking for an entrance. "Well that depends on whether or not they lied about where Ekko said Vander was." he responded, "There on the roof." he said, "we can look in through there." pointing up to a hole in the roof.

Leaning forward he fell of the roof onto a pile rubbish bags "I'm gonna land on a bag of rusty knives one of these days" he said standing up, "C''mon Powder jump down!" He shouted up, hearing a crash next to him seconds after. "You good?" he asked, looking at her. "Yeah, let's go see how Vi's doing." She asnswered.

Climbing up to the roof, they got to the hole and looked through, scanning the area he began looking for Vi and the others. Stopping and staring at one spot he looked down at the them. Vi and Clagger were standing gaurd at the door and Mylo was examining the locks that were holding Vander.

Looking next to him at Powder he said "See, look at them they're fine." gesturing towards the others. "Then who's that" Powder asked, pointing towards the group of people walking over to Vi and the others. "Probably not someone we wanna see" he said slowly, crouching down and staring down the new person who has made themselves known.

He stared for too long though as he saw the man begin to turn his head towards where him and Powder were. Grabbing her head he pulled her down laying on his back below the hole making sure he couldn't be seen from the other side, "Powder, look for a small gap i can peek through."

Getting a quick nod from her they both looked for a way to see what was happening whilst staying hidden, didn't want to accidently be caught. It took a while but Powder eventually found a place to look through. Staring through to the confrontation going on, Shirou stared at Vi as she stood infront of someone who was twice her size. Mentally telling himself 'she's got this'.

He saw the one with the messed up eye nod towards the big guy infront of Vi, Making him immediately stab towards Vi, using this she raised her arm hand that was covered by Vanders gauntlet and blocked it, pushing away his hand he was wide open. Stepping foward she sent her fist up into the mans chin, uppercutting him into unconsciousness, blood dripping from his mouth.

For a second Shirou saw a look of shock come to the bosses face before it was quickly covered with his stoic look he's worn this entire time. And then one after the other, they all began to filter in, and one by one Vi began to take them all out.

She made it look easy, She dodged, blocked and punched them all with extreme ease, and with skill that made her look like this was an everyday occurence. Even when one of them snuck up on her she made quick work of them.

He looked over and noticed that Mylo had managed to get two of Vander's restraints off of him, Clagger had made a small hole in the wall behind them, Vi was fighting one more person and now there was only three people left ahead of her, Sevika, and two others that Shirou didn't know.

Moving back he looked over to Powder, "See, they're gonna be fine, there was nothing for you to worry about.", hhe spoke, trying to reassure her."Whats he giving that other guy now?" she asked, worry evident in her voice. He looked over to see, the guy with the strange eye hand the blondie a purple Vial. "Me and my big mouth."

He watched as the blonde guy began to have small twitchs, those small ones changed into him thrashing around, also he noticed the purple veins that began to appear on him, it stood up and let out some type of screech, it couldn't even move properly, it had a constant limp. But when it got to someone who was just getting up it pushed them so hard they got sent over the edge in an instant.

It just stood there, not even looking at Vi, and she took this as her sign to rush in as that was exactly what she did. Jumping on the side rail to get even more height, she brought her fists up, prepared to slam them down onto the man turned monsters head.

But it grabbed her, with so much speed it was scary. It grabbed her by the neck and kept a tight grip. Looking away from them Shirou directed his attention to Powder "Alright im gonna go help, you stay right here, don't move" he said, a strict tone to his voice one that Powder has never heard him use on her. Seeing her slowly nod. Shirou starting looking for a hole that was directly above Silco, or whatever Vander called him.

Finding a way in that was above them he looked in first, he had to get rid of Sevika somehow, and then he got an idea one that could easily backfire if it went wrong. Dropping down, he immediatly went for silco, jumping up he kicked him in the head, hard enough that he stumbled and almost fell to the ground. A trickle off blood coming from the side of his head.

Seeing that Silco didn't go down he made a break for it deeper into the Cannery, grabbing the rail for balance  he looked towards where Shirou had ran, his teath seething "GO AFTER HIM!" he shouted, looking at Sevika, making her chase Shirou.

Seeing her run off into the Cannery he looked back over to Vi and his monster, shaking his head trying to get the blur out of his eyes. Coming to a stop as he felt the cold metal of a knife that was being held up to his throat.

"Call, that, thing, off, now" was all that was said from the person holding the weapon.

Hey, an update, finally, sorry for it taking so long but i got Covid last week so i was recovering from that and i had to restart this chapter after a technical difficulty that i had, but here it is. hope you liked it.

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