Chapter 8

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I can't describe how great it felt seeing Lindsey out in the stands watching the game tonight. I know she wasn't just there for me, but it was still really nice skating by her section and seeing her wave at us through the glass. Not gonna lie; that pumped me up. Knowing she was out there watching made me play harder. I wanted to win the game not just for me, not just for the team, but for her. For my girl.

I still haven't figured out exactly how I can make this whole thing work. I mean, she's Liam's sister, and he has broadcast that she is off-limits to the team. The team does include me, but maybe I'm exempt somehow. Best friend privilege or something like that. 

Yeah, good luck with that, bud. It's delusional thinking, I'm aware. She's just too hard to ignore. She makes me want to break every rule in the book of "guy code". And not just because she's attractive.

Sure, that's what caught my attention initially, but she's so much more than that. She's sweet, smart, driven, and genuine. Most women I meet only want to talk to me about sex and money. They don't see the person behind the jersey. They see dollar signs and bedpost notches. 

Lindsey is different. She is driven and has goals for the future. She has a meaningful career. Her love is unconditional. I see that in the way she supports her brother. When he scored that last goal, she was cheering so hard for him. I know because I was watching her every chance I got. The joy she experienced in that moment wasn't for herself but for Liam.

The more I get to know her, the more I realize I can't stay away. I want to know everything about her. No, I need to know everything about her. That's if she'll even give me a chance. If my sordid reputation doesn't scare her away. I just need to show her I'm not that guy anymore. I haven't been that guy for a while now.

When we step out of the locker room, Lindsey is waiting for us with a massive smile on her face. She congratulates Liam and gives him an enthusiastic hug. Oh, how I'd love to be on the receiving end of one of those. I can tell she pours her whole heart into those bad boys. Maybe next game, I'll earn one from her.


The bar is packed when we arrive, but our usual tables on the back wall are saved for us. The owners of the establishment know us well. They're big fans, and they know most of us come out here after home games, win or lose. So, they usually save three tables for us along the wall. Chuck, Patrick, Rob, and Drew are already perched in seats with a beer in one hand and a fangirl in the other.

The rest of us shuffle in and find a seat while waitresses take our drink orders. Fans start to swarm the tables and congratulate us on the win. Many ask for autographs and photos; some just shout their praise and walk away. Then come the fangirls. They hover around whispering to one another while the eye fuck us like vultures.

Some come over and try to hit on Liam and marvel over how well he played tonight. He gives them a tense smile and a quick thank you and turns his attention back to the table. When the girls don't get what they want from him, they move on to the next player to try their luck. Some try with me and get absolutely nothing. I give all my attention to Lindsey.

It's sad, really, how obvious they are. They aren't even trying to hide that they're only interested in the jersey, the "pro-athlete" tag. Some of the girls get the attention they want from Mikey, Damien, and a few of the other guys. The girls who don't get the attention they want scatter.

I look over at Lindsey, who is still beaming over the night's victory. She shows it plain as day how proud she is. I smile at her and ask, "So, what did you think? Was it as fun as you hoped?"

She looks at me, still smiling brightly, "It was incredible! You all did so great out there. It was amazing how cohesive the team is! I can't wait for the next game!"

I reply, "I'm glad you were there. It was nice to see you out in the stands watching us. Felt like we had our own personal cheerleader."

Lindsey chuckles, "Well, you kind of did. I was cheering my heart out for you guys. Not that you could hear me over the rest of the crowd, but still, I was doing it."

Feeling brave, I lean in closer, "I don't know about the other guys, but I know I heard you out there. It made me play harder." I lift my face to see her eyes and realize how close we are. She lets out a shaky breath, and I feel it on my lips. Thank God no one is paying attention.

From the middle of the bar, I hear someone screech, "Oh my God! There are my boys!"

Fucking Val!

She comes barreling over and slams into my side. Lindsey quickly pulls away. Val pushes close to me, "You guys did so well out there tonight. Maybe we can celebrate privately later. Whaddaya say, Chase? Come celebrate at my place later?" She drags her claws down my arm.

I see Lindsey grimace from the corner of my eye. And I've reached my limit for Val's bullshit, "No! I'm not coming to your place Val!" I push her hand off me and shrug her away.

Val scoffs, then regains some composure, "Come on, baby. You had fun last time." She smirks and looks directly at Lindsey as she says that last bit.

I'm so over her crap. "Val! We are not a thing. What happened was a mistake, and it is never gonna happen again. Got it?!"

She shrinks away after glaring at Lindsey and screaming, "Whatever!" She grabs Jenna from the other side of the table and drags her away from her failing attempts at seducing T.J...

The conversation is much more pleasant after they leave. Liam is emersed in conversation with Nate over the game. And Lindsey finally seems relaxed now that Val is nowhere nearby. I can't help but feel responsible for her discomfort earlier when Val said what she did about our mistake of a hookup.

I elbow her, "Sorry about Val. She shouldn't have brought that crap up in front of everyone like that."

Lindsey keeps her composure, "It's okay. I knew girls like that back in high school. I guess some people never grow out of the mean girl phase." I still see a bit of hurt in her eyes.

I need to fix this, "It's just, I don't want you to get the wrong idea. What happened with Val was a long time ago. I don't really do that anymore."

She gives me a small smile and looks like she's debating whether or not she believes me. "Okay. I mean, it's none of my business, but that's nice to know."

The beer must be getting to me because I start to toe the line between friendly and flirty again while her brother is three feet away. "I want you to know things about me. Lots of things." I brush the back of her hand that is resting on her knee.

Her breathing hitches as she looks down at our hands. "Chase...I..."

The bartender announces last call, and Liam leans over. Lindsey pulls her hand away from mine as Liam asks, "Hey, you guys ready to head out?"

Lindsey looks at me, then back to Liam, "Uh, yeah. We should go." She stands up and pulls on her coat.



I spent the entire cab ride wondering what she was about to say at the bar. Was she going to say she wants to know me too? Was she going to say she wants me to know her? Was she going to tell me to fuck off? Shit! This is going to drive me crazy. 

I decide I'll ask her when we have a second alone at the apartment, but as soon as we step inside, she bolts to her room and says goodnight. Liam passes out as soon as his head hits the pillow. And I'm left wide awake wondering what Lindsey is thinking. I hope I didn't just ruin everything. I lay awake for over an hour, pondering the same question over and over again.

What was she going to say?

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