Bonus Chapter

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Alright, here we are. This is officially the last chapter of Center Chase. And the answer to THAT question is in the paragraphs below. Let me know what you think in the comments. And please, without further ado, enjoy.      :)


When Liam pulls Taylor onstage to sing another song, I can't help but let my mind drift back to fantasy land. They look so great together. I wish they'd just admit it already.

They belt out their version of "You're the One that I Want" by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John and get everyone in the audience energized. By the second chorus, the whole place is singing along. I notice Taylor's smile keeps growing wider as the song continues.

Did they pick this song for a reason? Are they trying to send a message?

I start getting excited as I think of that being possible. I begin to feel giddy as I watch the two of them more closely. They occasionally send a smile back and forth and keep hip-bumping as the song goes on, but that's nothing new. They've always done that kind of thing.

Then it happens. It's so fast I almost miss it.

Did I imagine that?

Then it happens again. The slightest motion, but it's definitely real- I'm not imagining it. I see Taylor's eyes flick to the back of the room. She holds her gaze long enough that I know there's something back there that's caught her attention. Or is it someone?

I turn in my seat to see where Taylor keeps looking. The only thing I see is a group of drunk patrons stumbling over one another as they make their way to the bar.

Okay, Lins, you're making a bigger deal out of this than it is. Tay just got distracted by the drunks back there. Let's not read into it.

I chuckle at myself and go back to watching Tay and Liam kick ass with their duet. When they finish, Rob takes the stage and sings a song by Bon Jovi. After that, Drew comes up and belts out "Jessie's Girl" by Rick Springfield. He gets so into it; he has everyone in the crowd dying laughing by the end of it.

Everyone ended up taking a turn on stage. Chase even convinced me to go up and do a duet with him. It must be a night for firsts because I rarely go up there, and I don't think I've ever seen T.J. sing. There's something in the air tonight, though, because, by the end of it, even he went up and sang.

I'm shocked he doesn't get up there more often. He's actually pretty good, and he is ridiculously entertaining- dancing and crawling across the floor, getting really into the song. Everyone was loving his version of "Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down.

At one point during his performance, I look over at Tay as I laugh at something T.J. did. She seems distracted, and I don't miss the look on her face or the fact that her gaze is fixed on one person in particular. I've seen that look before, many times. It's a look I've seen on myself when I start daydreaming about Chase when I'm getting ready in front of the vanity. It's a look I save only for him.

And it's a look I've never seen on Tay. Her features soften, and her smile is one of pure joy. The adoration in her eyes is what catches my attention the most. I follow the direction of her gaze. He's looking at her the same way. His smile widens, and I look back at Tay. She's absolutely beaming at him.

Holy shit!

My eyes triple in size as I look back and forth between Taylor and T.J. I can't help the words that come spilling from my mouth in an astonished whisper. "Oh my God!"

Taylor and T.J.!

From the author:

Thank you to all who have taken the time to read my book. I hope you have enjoyed it! I appreciate all of your support and words of encouragement. Thank you to everyone who found me in the midst of all of the other amazing books out there and gave this one a chance. If you enjoyed this book, I have two additional books in this series available now. And if you have an Amazon account I would be eternally grateful if you would consider leaving me a rating and review on Amazon- (even if you don't purchase a copy) reviews really help boost the book in Amazon's algorithm and help other readers find it more easily. If you're interested in helping me out, the link to my Amazon is in the comments below :)

That link will also work if you are interested in purchasing a copy of the book. The published version on Amazon is slightly different as it is the final edited version, with reworks of some of the chapters that do change details of the story (overall ending and general story are the same). If you'd like to read that version, please check it out on Amazon. 

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Thank you to the stars and back!

Much love,


Center ChaseWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt