Chapter 28

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I don't know how everything got so messed up. What did I do?

There's no way I can fix this if she won't talk to me. And that's exactly what's happening. Things were going so well at the bar. We had just played a spectacular game against the team from Boston and came out tonight to celebrate. Lindsey left the table for a few minutes to go to the bathroom, and the next thing I know, she's running by crying and saying she has to leave. She wouldn't even look at me.

Taylor told Liam and me to stay back while she checked on Lindsey, but it killed me to do that. We waited as long as we could stand and headed to the apartment after them. Liam looks ready to break someone's neck, and I am panicking.

What the fuck happened!?

The whole way back to the apartment, I wracked my brain to figure out what could possibly be wrong and came up empty. I have no idea what could have made her so upset. One minute everything is fine; the next, my world has been turned upside down. She came out of that bathroom looking like she just got slapped in the face. And the way she avoided me tells me somehow she thinks I've done something- something awful.

Liam and I waited in the living room until Taylor was done talking to Lindsey. I hope she found out what happened. Who the hell upset my girl? I was ready to pounce on Taylor, but Liam beat me to it.

"What the hell happened, Tay?"

She looks at Liam. "She doesn't really want to talk about it. She needs some time to calm down."

Liam steps toward the bedroom door, protective-brother mode fully activated. "Fuck that! I need to check on her!"

Taylor steps in his way, stopping him in his tracks. "Liam," she says in a warning tone.

He glares at her and tries to sidestep her. She matches his movement, blocking him again. He huffs and crosses his arms. They stand there, having a silent face-off for a moment before Taylor finally speaks again.

"Fine! You can go in, but don't pry. Just sit with her and let her be. Let her cry on your shoulder or whatever she needs, but do not push her, Liam."

He puts both hands up in surrender and disappears behind the door. I am left feeling helpless as Taylor and I stare after him. When she turns back around to face me, though, I am met with a wave of dread.

She looks pissed- I mean really pissed.

If looks could kill, I'd be a dead man right now. She is glaring at me with two deadly sharp daggers, and they are pointed right at my eyes.

The next words out of her mouth hit me like venom. "What the fuck did you do!?"





(A couple of hours earlier.)

I left the table to hit the restroom, still feeling elated about everything that was going right in life and in my relationship with Chase. Then, as soon as I finished drying my hands, everything came crashing down.

Who do I have to thank for that? That's right- fucking Val!

She stopped me before I could get out of the bathroom by literally planting herself and her minions in front of it. I was planning on just walking by and ignoring her, but she made sure that wouldn't happen.

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