Chapter 29

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I'm lying in bed at the hotel, staring at my phone, trying to will Lindsey to call me. I still have no idea what's wrong. She's still avoiding me; she didn't even come out and say goodbye before Liam and I left for the airport. That was two days ago.

What the fuck!?

Taylor hasn't replied to me today either, which is making me anxious. She was pissed at me that night, making me feel like the whole thing was my fault. And I don't even know why? What the hell did I do?

Liam is pissed. He keeps saying if he finds out who upset his sister, they will pay big time. I'm just lucky he doesn't think that person is me. I feel like I'm the one responsible, and I'm the one who should pay the price for whatever the hell is wrong. It would just be nice if someone would clue me in as to what exactly I did, so at least I know before Liam finds out and kills me.

The whole thing is messing with my head. I sucked in the game today, made some pretty stupid and sloppy mistakes. Mistakes I don't normally make, and Coach is pissed. It doesn't help that it's affecting Liam's game too, he landed himself in the penalty box three times today. 

Yeah, Coach just loved that. Both of us are on his shit list now, and the rest of the guys weren't happy about it either. Usually, our line is one of the best, but with the two of us way off our game, the whole team is suffering.

I have to try and shake this, but I need to know what happened. Things were going so well, and now, here we are, surrounded by darkness and unanswered questions. I'm too worked up just to lay here, so I start toward my running shoes, dead set on heading to the hotel gym to work off some of this anxious energy.

Right before I slip my first shoe on, my phone buzzes on the desk next to me. I nearly fly out of my seat. I pounce on my phone, hoping to see Lindsey's number sprawled across the screen. There's a wave of disappointment crashing into me when I see it isn't her. It's Taylor.

Maybe she found something out.

I read the message she sent me.

Taylor: Are you alone?

I furrow my brows and type my response.

Me: Yeah, Liam hit the gym.

Five seconds later, my phone is ringing. I pick up and brace myself for whatever Taylor is about to say.

Her voice punches me in the face, loud and angry. I have to move the phone away to prevent permanent damage. "You fucking asshole! What the hell, Chase!?"

I start to reply, telling her I have no idea what the hell I did, but she doesn't let me get a word in.

"You seriously thought it was okay to take Lindsey to the same place you took those skanks!? What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

Okay, now I'm confused. "What the hell are you talking about?"

She lets out an exasperated breath. "The rooftop date. Where you took Lindsey. The super sweet romantic thing you did that made her so freaking happy. You took her to the same place you took Val and her army of skanks when you were out being Mr. Boytoy!"

The fuck!

Now I'm pissed. "Tay, I never took Val there! Or anyone but Lindsey, for that matter. She was the first and only one I took to that place."

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